FS Piracy | 10/24 | Guild Level 351

  • F.S. Piracy

    F.S. Piracy

    • 16 Sloops
    • 8 Brigantines
    • 4 Galleons

    F.S. Piracy
    F.S. Piracy
    F.S. Piracy
    F.S. Piracy
    F.S. Piracy

    FS Piracy
    Open Guild for anyone who would like to get in on the journey, pledge their own ship or venture out on one of the many available ships.

    FS Piracy is a place for already established crews as well as pirates who seek a crew. One can always choose to set sail as a Open Guild Crew where others can join in or as a Closed Guild Crew depending on ones preferences.

    We ourselves are more or less daily sailors and would of course prefer to have as much activity as possibly. This doesn't mean we expect the same level of grinding from you, as long as you're fairly active all is good.

    On the 1st every month we'll openly ask who's still around creating some rotation.

    Mkay, mkay, but what's FS an abbreviation of?
    Really whatever you want to interpret it as. Sometimes we like to think of it as Free Sailors Piracy. Sometimes not.

    Full Send Piracy, got it. I'm new. Can I still join?
    In short, yes.

    We are all depending on each other in a guild, and being new doesn't necessary mean you'll contribute less than more experienced guild mates. All are welcome meaning new players are welcome too to learn and contribute within their abilities, absolutely.

    Spots Available
    FS Piracy (Lvl. 351) - 14 spots available (0 on the waiting list)

    Joining FS Piracy & Discord
    You'll be invited in-game as well as receiving an invitation to our Discord through an Xbox-message. If you're looking for someone within the Guild to set sail with Discord is the place to look or ask.

    You are not required to accept the Discord invitation although it is recommended as more information can be found on our Discord.

    Disclaimer: Our Discord is not known to be of the most active as many sail in closed groups, so if you're looking for a "social gathering", perhaps FS Piracy is not your guild.

    Join in and let us together get our guild distinctions growing!

    Should we seem to have missed your message here, try to DM here for an invitation.

  • 130
  • Looking forward to hearing from you guys!

  • Hello id like to join, my user is lulence69

  • @lulence69 You should have got an invite :)

  • id like to join,
    gamertag is naiiu

  • @spongewhale1 You should have been sent an invite as well :)

  • Hello
    id like to join
    my GT is 'N3WJNS'

  • @n3wjns Invite sent :)

  • Me and my friend would like to join, we are new to the seas and our looking for a crew to be apart of.

  • I'd love to join up to this crew, looks great. Playing on PC. Xbox GT is natey5717

  • @ape1695 yes! I would need a gamer tag from you so that you can be added :)

  • @natey5717 invite sent your way! :)

  • Hey :3 Would love to join you guild! Do you have two spots for me (bonevoyagee) and my friend (JohnnyCerber)?

  • I would love to join, 2.5k hours love pvp 350 both alliegances and many rare sails that with your permission I can add to your guild, GT: Whopperlord4533 hopefully there is a spot that I can join.

  • @bonevoyagee yes! I will add you when I get home from work in 5-6 hours :)

  • @whopperlord4533 yes! I will add you when I get home from work in 5-6 hours :)

  • @IPanduroI 👍

  • Hello, How are you guys going. I'd like to join your guild because im looking for new people to meet and im currently guildless. My ign is Juucix and my discord is mitchyy6990 hope you guys pick me :).

  • Hey there, I have been playing for quite a bit now, got Pirate Legend a week ago or so, and was interested in pledging both my ships, 1 sloop and 1 Brigantine with my brother which would also like to join as well as his girlfriend.

    Our gamer tags are:

    Mine: xquartier
    My Brother's: real5389
    My brother's gf: larablanch

  • Hello i am interested to join. Gt: Nenad031

  • Hello! I would like to join!
    My Username is

  • I would like to join¡ Gt: CptSagasta

  • @bonevoyagee Both should have an invite now! :)

  • @whopperlord4533 Invite sent your way :)

  • @juucix Invite sent :)

  • @xquartier invites sent to you and your brother, but it wont let me sent one to lara.
    but you guys can invite her yourself

  • @nenad031 Invite has been sent! :)

  • @dylanlad266 Invite sent :)

  • @cptsagasta Invite has been sent :)

  • @bronnanas Invite sent :)

  • Welcome @lulence69, @Spongewhale1, @N3WJNS, @Ape1695, @natey5717, @bonevoyagee, @Whopperlord4533, @Juucix, @xquartier, @Nenad031, @DylanLad266, @CptSagasta and @Bronnanas!

    After seeing the interest from all you lovely people, I've just updated the post with our Discord details, although @IPanduroI might already have informed you about it.

    Being build up atm, and are of course completely voluntarily.

    Have a good morning/day/evening and happy sailing to all :-)

  • @IPanduroI didn’t get Inv, don’t know if it’s a problem with the game but will wait

  • Greetings!

    If there is still room I would like to join your guild please
    I am a returning player after taking a break from SoT and looking to be able to sail in a guild with some decent people
    G-tag is the same name

  • @aquaskeletor You should have gotten an invite

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