Megalodon REWORK

  • I think we can all agree that the Megalodon is majestic and deserves a bit more love. I appreciate this monster event, the fact that you can choose to engage him or just let it go adds to the experience. However, defeating the Meg can be a bit dull. The only thing Meg does is spin.. spin.. spin.. spin.. JAWS music plays bites the hull, spin.. spin.. spin. Like OK we get it. Especially if you like me and you beat him tones and tones of time since we know its patterns, and it's not much of a threat anymore.

    So ! I propose two new attacks:


    one where it attacks from below, biting the hull and causing visible damage that can't be repaired immediately because the teeths is still in the holes. The team has to bail water and attack the teeth or find an angle from outside to snipe him.


    Instead of Meg just biting and swimming away, I suggest him to "chew" the boat, like a dog with his toy. It could shake the boat a bit, gnaw on it, growling at us. Plus, it would give us a chance to admire this beautiful design up close !


    Oh and one last thing... You know, the fact that meg doesn't care about getting harpooned in the back annoys me. To make it more alive, it could shake and do a rodeo, moving really fast, go under the water, trying to get rid of the harpoon. It would give the crew a breather because during that time, meg is not attacking. He just wants to get rid of this freacking harpoon

  • 22
  • Yes to all of this.

  • That sounds great. At the moment the meg is just annoying and kinda lame. Ohh a meg, well i will sail away, killed him so many times already + no loot. If you are in a battle with another ship or the fleet, he bites you 2 times changing your position and is just annoying :)

  • @botoxbiene

    Thas sad ahah, it deserves at least a buff. I love its design and concept. It's a waste to leave it like this. And if you you could sell these four magnificent eyes, they would be worth a fortune!

  • The only things I would add to this is letting the meg eat people in the water and letting you take its agro by playing summoning the meg shanty

  • @elextrov

    Hmm, it remains to be seen. I'm not completely against it, but for me, the Meg doesn't attack you in the water because you're insignificant. The juicy piece of wood to nibble on (which is your boat) is much more fun and appetizing for meg. On the other hand, a shanty that increase the chance of him to spawn would be wonderful for me. Plus, the music already exists.

  • @littlematjab I was thinking something like you could jump in the water and play the shanty to sacrifice yourself to take pressure off of your ship

  • Aye, that sounds amaizing. But, lets also keep a standard Bite Attack/Mechanic to keep the great variety of attacks and a tradition.

  • @selgewick a dit dans Megalodon REWORK :

    Aye, that sounds amaizing. But, lets also keep a standard Bite Attack/Mechanic to keep the great variety of attacks and a tradition.

    Totally agree

  • Great ideas

  • Fun stuff! Like the harpoon idea.

  • Got my vote, like them all, and the additional ones suggested by other fellas!

  • @r3vanns we need some propaganda

  • Players complained about the Meg being to dangerous. They nerf, nerf and nerf it

  • @burnbacon

    Nobody complained because it was too dangerous, but because it was too present and just annoying, not adding anything to the gameplay.

    If you dont want to fight meg you can run away from it. we want him to be more interesting and give better loot. You can go back to your concerns of fishing for your fish now thank you.

  • Hey I’m up for this if it makes the fight more interesting and interactive then this gets my vote too

  • Wait would it be just Megladons or could Krakens get the same treatment

  • @raven-knight810

    Im working on it !

  • I like all these ideas, but I think the answer is, who cares?

    When I hear the meg music, I just head toward the back of the ship for a color check. If it's not the ghost, I just sail on. I don't need the meg meat, don't really want to waste the time or planks, and the amount it raises your emissary grade is pretty miserable. Only worth it when you're starting out with a voyage that doesn't get you 100% (vaults).

    I love the new attacks, but I fear most people will never see them because the megalodon is just not worth stopping for once you reach a certain point in your pirating career. What can we do to make fighting the meg worth it so we see these new mechanics?

  • @lordqulex the shrouded has unique music

  • @lordqulex
    The solution would simply be to give him better loot, new commendations to accomplish, and this card? :)


  • @littlematjab You may want to be careful with the commendations thing, many of us are already a bit off-put by the fact that we have no agency to complete Shrouded Ghost commendation due to the RNG of it's appearance. Just giving us more that we have no control over may come off as a slap in the face. Plus, many pirates just don't care about commendations.

    The loot thing is a good idea, but I would suggest making it worth more emissary grade. Three more XMTS maps or kill this meg? Sure, I'll kill the meg to get me to the next grade. Plus (pre-eleven, I don't know what the future holds, not an insider), everyone is kind of annoyed a vault doesn't get you to grade five like a lost shipment does. (I'm not sure if a phantom fleet does...). I'd stop for a meg on a vault stack run...

    Everyone always needs grade (as long as your doing the raise, voyage, grade 5, sell, lower, re-raise, emissary voyage cycle).

7 out of 22