Constantly disconnected (Hazelnutbeard) When diving to Raid Voyages

  • Hi There,
    As per the title, whenever I dive for a skeleton Fort or Skeleton Fleet I constantly get disconnected form the server and have to rejoin my session at an outpost with no event in the sky.

    This is very frustrating and any help would be appreciated.

  • 8
  • @cptkwak your best bet is submitting a support ticket at:

  • Same here, can't do raid voyages alone. If there's a friend online with me, I can reconnect, but respawning at tavern is just annoying.

  • I’ve been trying to do skeleton forts with my friend and whenever we dive to the fort the person who isn’t the captain gets disconnected. really really annoying

  • Was there a solution to the problem? I can not start Raid Voyages too, because I always get a disconnect with the Hazelnutbeard error.

  • Did this ever stop for you?

  • @leohazelbird did it ever stop

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