Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta)

  • Well, I was disappointed to learn that a new sails will be given for the PS5 beta, I don't see a problem with a pre-order bonus but a prize for an beta of an exclusive console for a game that has been PC/XBOX exclusive for years seems wrong .

    I think there shouldn't be such a reward or at least it should be given to those who participated in the original Beta out of consideration.

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  • Man the FOMO whining in this community is hilarious.

  • I've played this game just under a bajillion hours and I think I have 1 somewhat rare cosmetic, lol

    I don't have any of the super early stuff, a lot of the giveaway stuff, I wasn't even unlocking some of the time limited stuff early on when I played.

    It's almost impressive how little I have of the extra stuff at my play time, lol

    Point being is that it's more peaceful to just not have stuff than it is to want what anyone/everyone else has.

  • @sweetsandman I don't care about not having several cosmetics that I didn't play with at the time, didn't pre-order or things like that.

    The real issue is that this specific item, because it is an exclusive beta for a platform, should not exist or should be made available for those who made the original beta.

    To compare, pre order bonuses are only accessible to those who don't have a PS5

  • @lleorb said in Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta):

    The real issue is that this specific item, because it is an exclusive beta for a platform, should not exist or should be made available for those who made the original beta.

    Says who?

    Not Rare.

    Also love the entitlement to round out the complaint 😂

    Exclusive cosmetics sell.

    It's almost like they're a business and they're trying to make money...

  • I still don't even understand the case being made

    new sails for a new beta test for a newer and different system, years later qualifies original testers for the item or no item at all?

  • @sweetsandman

    Says who?

    I said, it's an opinion not a fact.

    Rare earns what exactly from this specific cosmetic?

    While the pre-order bonus is just buying the game again, these beta sails you MUST have a PS5, That's the main problem, if I were just going to buy the game again I wouldn't care either.

    An exclusive reward from a beta for one specifc type of console after 5 years with the game being PC/Xbox is unfair.

  • It's just a game dude. The sails are probably just going to be a recolour of something anyway it's not that deep

  • @lleorb said in Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta):

    these beta sails you MUST have a PS5, That's the main problem, if I were just going to buy the game again I wouldn't care either.

    An exclusive reward from a beta for one specifc type of console after 5 years with the game being PC/Xbox is unfair.

    To me this is like saying that a theater company owes me popcorn for a new star wars movie because I bought m&ms and watched Phantom Menace in 1999.

    It's not a lifelong commitment or arrangement lol

    They recolor stuff, they throw stuff in twitch drops, they bring stuff back, they never bring some stuff back, they do all kinds of different things.

    Fair to criticize what you don't like but we definitely aren't owed these cosmetics.

  • Folks that Pre-Ordered on Xbox/PC also got exclusive cosmetics.

    Why would/should a different platform be any different?

    The original Founders Sails were exclusive to folks who played early...and were ONLY available to those who played before a specific time on specific devices that didn't include a PlayStation.....

    There are NUMEROUS cosmetic sets that will be forever unavailable to new people coming in from PlayStation. Pre-orders aside, cosmetics from the time-limited events etc were 'platform/console' exclusive because there was no PlayStation version.

  • @look-behind-you

    Folks that Pre-Ordered on Xbox/PC also got exclusive cosmetics.

    From what I know, anyone who buys the pre-order will only receive the cosmetics through it, not through a closed beta that is inaccessible to those who don't have a PS5.

    There are NUMEROUS cosmetic sets that will be forever unavailable to new people coming in from PlayStation. Pre-orders aside, cosmetics from the time-limited events etc were 'platform/console' exclusive because there was no PlayStation version.

    It's a different situation, Sea of ​​Thieves wasn't even planned (or that was never said) to be included on the PS5 later, it's totally normal that they don't have access to certain things, what's abnormal is players who already participate in the game being excluded from the possibility of win a cosmetic through a closed beta on a new and exclusive platform

  • @punkasauras

    It's just a game dude. The sails are probably just going to be a recolour of something anyway it's not that deep

    "It's just a game" is the worst possible argument, if you think like that, close the forum and ban everyone from criticizing.

    @WolfManbush Man, there is no equivalence between the two things, it seems like they didn't understand the point of the criticism.

    I'm talking about a candle that you will only receive if you have a PS5, not about pre-order bonuses, if the same candle was offered not for playing on a PS5 but for buying the pre-order I would be ok with that.

    What I don't like is putting an item so coveted by some people behind something exclusive for a new console, and letting them know about it a month in advance. So if it's a beta item, that at least if it was part of the original beta receives it, if they move to preorder to continue profiting from it that's fine too, JUST DON'T LOCK UP BEHIND A CLOSED BETA ON A NEW CONSOLE having a community for 5 years that you will not be able to access this.

  • @lleorb said in Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta):

    ...a closed beta that is inaccessible to those who don't have a PS5.

    Or know someone that has a PS5 😜

    There's plenty of Steam and XBone players that have the Duke shipset... something PS5 exclusive players will (probably) never have.

    There are a ton of cosmetic in this game that are time limited and people would say it's "unfair" for one reason or another that certain players did or didn't get.

    Ultimately, this revenue generating effort by Rare...one that they know darn well that a bunch of the current playerbase is going to also pay into.

    There are ways to do it if you are that desperate to get your hands on some sails that'll probably just sit in your inventory after a month of feeling "special" wears off.

  • @lleorb said in Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta):

    What I don't like is putting an item so coveted by some people behind something exclusive for a new console, and letting them know about it a month in advance. So if it's a beta item, that at least if it was part of the original beta receives it, if they move to preorder to continue profiting from it that's fine too, JUST DON'T LOCK UP BEHIND A CLOSED BETA ON A NEW CONSOLE having a community for 5 years that you will not be able to access this.

    To date I dunno (in organic conversations) anyone that fully loves how Rare handles cosmetics. From recolors to time limited to exclusive to drops and a lot in between.

    I think it's fair to say you don't like how they are doing it, I don't think there is any case at all for why they shouldn't.

    It's a tough case to build when approaching it as a ethical/unethical type of thing. That's mainly what you are doing.

    The reality is that the next 5 years they are gonna be seen like the duke set except people are gonna know that a bunch of SoT Twitter went out there and spent hundreds to set up a PS5 for a few cosmetics lol.

  • @sweetsandman It's not a matter of being limited by time, that's not the point man, it's being behind an expensive console that's almost unavailable for the majority of a community that's been around for 5 years.

    Pre order items are time limited and I don't care, it's how it will be distributed that is the problem.

    There's plenty of Steam and XBone players that have the Duke shipset... something PS5 exclusive players will (probably) never have.

    Again, there is no equivalence between PS5 players not having access to old items and Xbox/PC players not having access to this specific sail... SOT was supposed to never go to PS, it's normal for them not to have old items, It's abnormal for an active community to now not have access to these PS5 exclusive ssils.

    Or know someone that has a PS5 😜

    It has to be a joke

  • @lleorb

    Everyone who pre-orders Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 will also have exclusive access to a PlayStation-only Closed Beta, taking place from April 12th–15th. Those who jump in and play during this Closed Beta will earn the Dauntless Adventurer Title and Dauntless Adventurer Sails – special swag allowing you to proudly peacock your status as one of the first waves of players to hit PlayStation shores.

    If you don't take part in the PS5 Beta, then the cosmetics won't be available.

    Much like anyone playing on PlayStation won't have access to countless other cosmetics that were either for early play before release or for participating in Time-Limited events after.

  • Not everyone has to have everything.

  • @lleorb

    Let me know where you got your book that defines what is or isn't fair as it pertains to cosmetic obtainability. It sounds like a great read.

    Or know someone that has a PS5 😜

    It has to be a joke

    Not a joke. That's literally how some Steam and XBOne players got the Duke set... By knowing someone that has the system that they were exclusive to.

    Again, if you're desperate to get the Dauntless Adventurer Sails, there are ways.

  • @lleorb said in Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta):

    SOT was supposed to never go to PS, it's normal for them not to have old items, It's abnormal for an active community to now not have access to these PS5 exclusive ssils.

    What's the difference between exclusive items and giveaway items as far as outcome goes?

    Lots of long time players have slim to no chance to get some of the giveaway items.

    Just a cosmetic that many aren't gonna get. It's more realistic for people to figure out a PS5 than it is for people to figure out how to get some of the giveaway cosmetics.

  • I am in the U.S.A.

    We didn't get an Oreo sails promotion.

    Those of us in the US had some choices to make to get these sales. Get a from someone who was in a region that had the oreo promotion. When codes got posted publicly they went FAST. Or they bought some travel plans to go to that region. Or they ordered and paid overseas shipping to get stale oreos.

    There wasn't a cheap option. Saying that Rare disrespected one of their largest player base regions is just silly.

    I do not own these sails.

    The equivalence is clear. Players can buy a PS5. Know someone who already has a PS5. Or go without. No there isn't a cheap option, but it's in line with other similarly released cosmetics. This is fine.

  • @look-behind-you

    Not everyone has to have everything

    That's an opinion, I think it's a bit disrespectful to leave the already active community out of this, if it was a pre-order bonus at least they could buy it if they wanted.

    It will be even worse if it's a repaint of the sails from the original beta, I hope it's at least something new.

  • @lleorb I have cosmetics that most will never be able to get.

    Others have stuff I will never likely get.

    Not everyone needs everything. People may WANT everything but it is not going to happen.

    Playing in the PS Beta rewards cosmetics for playing in the PS Beta.

    Much like playing during early Xbox/PC rewarded Xbox/PC players for playing during that time.

  • @sweetsandman You are comparing a ugly skin set(my opinion), which was just paying for an ultimate gamepass and playing through Xcloud, with BUYING A PS5.

    Let me know where you got your book that defines what is or isn't fair as it pertains to cosmetic obtainability. It sounds like a great read.

    It is clear that it is my opinion.

  • @lleorb said in Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta):

    It will be even worse if it's a repaint of the sails from the original beta, I hope it's at least something new.

    Worse? recolors are the easiest to move on from and ignore lol.

    pretty much never see the newer version of the kraken skull, people get all sorts of critical about drops and emporium stuff being just another version of the same thing.

    That would be the easiest one to deal with, imo.

  • @lleorb

    Well, since everything is just your opinion, we'll have to just disagree.

    I can't wait to flaunt these silly sails on the seas.


  • @strangeness Since when were oreo candles an expensive option? Neither they nor Duke are equivalent to the cost of a PS5

    I literally saw the oreo set being sold for CENTS, the duke set for an ultimate subscription playing Xcloud.

    There is no equivalence with a PS5 + pre-order

    And again, PS5 people won't have access to old items because it wasn't even expected that the PS5 would have Sot available.

  • @wolfmanbush I'd rather it be a new item than a recolor that "devalues" an old rare item.

  • @lleorb I saw codes for the oreo sales on ebay successfully selling for $500+. Free codes that kind pirates have away got used so quickly it was a roll of the dice if anybody succeeded. I never saw codes being sold for cents. I wouldn't pay that kind of money for sails, but people were. So disagree all you like. It happened. And this it's a legitimate equivalence. You do you. The response in this thread is pretty clear where most of us see this request. I'm out.

  • @strangeness Dude, you can literally still get the oreo set for under $50, I've seen it for cents, just search.

  • @lleorb said in Dauntless Adventurer Sails (PS5 beta):

    @wolfmanbush I'd rather it be a new item than a recolor that "devalues" an old rare item.

    Kraken skull didn't make the original any less appealing, the adventure version of the arena weapons didn't change anything.

    Also people can go literally all day without seeing another boat near them now so that even adds more to this.

    The days of 6 ships and galleons and brigs all over battling each other and all the cosmetics out there all over the place are gone organically lol.

    Once in a while a boat shows up and that's about it.

    Hg is largely 1v1 and they either meme or play the status game with cosmetics.

    None of these cosmetics are really that big of a deal with how organic play in sot is now.

    My big player encounter for the day in season 11 was a default cosmetic galleon that did a donut and sank themselves lol. Haven't seen a player cosmetic all day.

  • The sense of entitlement was mentioned here before and I can't agree more; it all comes from an acute sense of entitlement.

    The game's devs don't owe anything to you and the way they choose to promote their product depends only on their decision.

    Personally I'm just glad new players will join SOT as that means more variety and longer life to the pirate sandbox game I love and enjoy.

  • @metal-ravage With all due respect, but I'm struck by the tendency to point out the obvious in this and the comments above, it's obvious that developers can do whatever they want, that doesn't mean I have to agree, and any disagreement is obviously a personal matter.

  • I think PS5 should get their own Launch Crew EoR and Day 1 Eyepatch too.

  • @look-behind-you

    If It wasnt for Xbox PC users rare would be probably lionheaded

  • @pithyrumble it's not day one though is it? They are joining a game that's been out since 2018. 🤣

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