Looking for Hourglass crew

  • I have 600 hours in SoT and came back about a month ago after about a year hiatus. Trying to find a crew for hourglass that doesn't care about my allegiance level. I'm adequate at PVP and am a good crewmate. Someone help me out.

    I'm on PC - NA East
    GT - KnucklhedRed

  • 6
  • I'll message you.

  • I would be down, hard to find people now with the game bar not working right

  • I play on NA East as well and i'm trying to find someone to grind the ghost curse although I'm ok with doing other things as well. I did the skelly curse solo and it was lonely at times. I could use a good crewmate.

  • I'm playing on PS5 now but I started from xbox day 1 and I need some good crew to the red hourgalss so Im game

    Gamer tag

  • ayy right here

5 out of 6