Error code ashbeard on ps5

  • I have the premium version of sea of thieves on the ps5 and every time I try to log in it gives error code ashbeard then when I searched it up it said I was not connected to Xbox live even thou I’m on PlayStation I don’t want to link a different account is there any help to this

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  • @bosswalnut4416 Playing on PS5 (or any platform for that matter) requires linking a Microsoft Account.

  • @look-behind-you that’s the thing I played the beta with this account using the same Microsoft account but it’s giving me this error code

  • @bosswalnut4416 Then your best bet is to submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

  • @bosswalnut4416 me to Noone will help its like we didn't just pay 60 bucks for the game or something

  • @pagan882 yep same here and nothing like I don't matter now they got my money

  • Adding a comment for increased visibility - I and my partner are able to log in with our Microsoft/xbox live accounts just fine on the PS5, but receive ashbeard errors every time we try to sign in a child. Child also has a Microsoft/xbox live account, with all parental restrictions on online play and content removed because i thought that was part of the issue.

    I put in a support ticket for this issue during beta testing, as well as another yesterday and received a canned response with some trouble shooting tips that boil down to the following:

    1. if you’ve been playing with your live account on another platform, log out, wait 10 minutes to allow back-end services to update, and then try signing in again through Sea of Thieves.

    2. ensure your account is an Xbox live enabled account with a gamertag

    3. if you’re not seeing a QR code, try again later

    4. try connecting the PS5 to a different internet connection

    5. hard reset your console by turning off and unplugging the power, wait 20 minutes (still unplugged), and try again.

    None of these solutions have worked for my use case, although I’ve tried multiple times (as well as trying every other thing I can think of)

  • @pagan882 I found a fix if you have someone with an Xbox have them sign in on there console then wait about an hour. I guess they wanted to seem like you have an Xbox

  • @bosswalnut4416 that’s too much tho like why we pay this much to have to do all that

  • @exactb Finally figured it out! You have to go on your ps5 setting and go to saved data and game/app setting and delete sea of thieves save file. From there it will let you get the QR code to connect to your Microsoft account

  • I’m going through the exact same problem!
    Bought premium version on ps5, linked my existing Microsoft account, created a gamer tag, ashbeard error!

    I heard that you need to have an Xbox Live account, but that doesn’t make any sense, considering I bought on the ps5! I shouldn’t have to! Why would I pay for 2 online gaming subscriptions? Why offer the game for ps5 if you’re going to do players like this?

    Whenever I’m done scanning the QR code and sending information, my phone tells me I’m successfully logged into Sea of Thieves, but my ps5 tells me otherwise! It’s driving me crazy!! It’s been two days!! I payed $60 for early access!! My ps5 says I’ve spent 3hrs playing Sea of Thieves, so that just means I’ve spent 3hrs of my life trying to log in!!

    I have a request sent into support to try and fix this issue, they told me they have a team looking into it, wish me luck!!

  • @scallywankk I have the same exact thing happening. Haven’t heard back and I’m about to try and refund this game. Not worth the hassle imo

  • Yeah this blows just wanted to do pirate stuff

  • An xbox account doesnt require paid subscription

  • So the way I fixed it was by making sure no other Microsoft account was on my Ps5. For example I found out that Minecraft was using an old account of mine and once I switched it to my current Microsoft Account on Minecraft, Sea of Thieves stopped giving me that error and loaded no problem. Hopefully that fixes it for you guys too.

  • I can't enter the game and sign in my account, please fix it

  • @he3am13021 please check Here for possible to solutions :)

  • Im having this problem since it released today, will it be fixed?

  • Do you know how to fix it?

  • No, and there is no help :(((

  • I have standard edition and I link my account but I see ashbeard error please fix that Microsoft or sea of thieves I want play this game now

  • I also have the same problem on ps5 and it doesn't go away and it says to play again. I happily bought this game for the premium version, now I don't know what to do.

  • Wait about 30 days to get drowned by errors instead of megladon in the release day😂

  • I was able to fix the ashbeard error by changing my Microsoft login from a code to a password as a way to sign in. You have to change this setting in your Microsoft account in “additional security options”. Once I logged in using a password and not a code I was able to get into the game!! Hope it works for you all!!

  • Wait so now you’re playing?
    You’re telling me when I scan the code I should put my Microsoft password right? Or if it’s something else can explain it with more detail.

  • @aidoverse how did you change it?

  • @aidoverse Thanks, this worked for me.

  • I've had this error since the beta, does anyone know how to fix it? I've tried a thousand ways but I can't find the solution HELP!!!

  • @riicolaaaa hey man what did you exactly change in the Microsoft additional settings?

  • @noobhoonter Once you are logged into the microsoft site you go to your profile, then to security, then advanced security options. I then had to remove email a code as an option to prove who I was and add my password as an option instead. Pretty weird if you ask me, but it worked.

  • @riicolaaaa Bro thank u

  • That also fixed it for me. The authorization via code in email messed things up. Once that option was replaced by password login, it worked. Thanks!

  • Hello . I also have this problem and I did all the things mentioned in this topic and I failed to connect. Please give me a way. The game has been released for a day and I still haven't been able to play for a minute

  • Hi
    I have this error how can help me

  • @riicolaaaa I went to my Microsoft account then advanced settings.
    When I wanted to remove my email it said I should enter my password and I did then the remove option was still there.
    Is that it?

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