Where do I go to receive the cosmetic items that come with the premium edition of the game?
How do I claim the ps5 premium edition cosmetics?
@pug765 Ahoy matey!
They should already be in your in-game cosmetics chests - in the corresponding chests.
Rewards, however, can take up to 72 hours to appear in game. If they have not shown up then I would reach out to the Player Support team to have them take a look.
@musicmee sorry bro, if I bought ps5 premium addition on one of my accounts, will I have cosmetics on other account which is on the same PlayStation?
@petr0vas no, you only get cosmetics on one account. The one you link your PlayStation and Microsoft together.
@leogottheglizzy There is a clothing chest on your ship and at every outpost, there is also a chest next to the Shipwright at every outpost (close to where your ship first spawns) for any ship cosmetics.
@leogottheglizzy Ahoy matey!
You'll find the ship cosmetics in the chest near the Shipwright on the dock near your ship.
Titles and personal cosmetics can be applied via the vanity chest on your ship... it's the one with a hook on it.
As thread necro (reviving of old topics) is not permitted as per forum rules, we will go ahead and drop anchor on this here. Thank you.