The battle for sailor's knot stronghold

  • Jamon and I set sail from ancient spire on The Pig Rig with a reaper emissary flag, hunting down any crews we could find in the ancient isles, looking to steal any gilded voyages we could find. If no ships could be sighted as we headed west, we would eventually pay a visit to sailors knot stronghold where two reaper 5 ships were doing a regular skull fort. Once we were close enough to see it, we realized it was a three ship alliance. We started to get a rowboat from chicken isle to sneak over, but they finished the fort, so we sailed in.

    We made a pass hitting the two sloops with some cannonballs before masting the brig, then flipped back around masting the first sloop as it passed in chase, peppering the second sloop, and finishing off the brig before it could recover.

    As we continued to fight the other two ships, and collect the treasure from the sunken brig, we started to realize one of the two sloops was actually pretty good. Probably around equal skill as we were. We continued fighting this alliance around this fort, using the rocks and towers against each other. The brig returned, a skeleton ship appeared, a meg, a second skelly sloop, even a ghost ship battle appeared at wanderer's refuge.

    My crewmate attempted to board the good sloop with a keg from the fort and actually made it onboard. He dropped it lit but had no throwables, so one of the sloops crew managed to diffuse it and drop it in the water not far from the fort's shoreline. This keg floated there awhile before I spotted it again. Passing the island with the good sloop right behind me trying to get a harpoon in my ship, I jumped in the water to grab it for a board. As soon as I picked it up I turned towards their ship and watched a knife fly by. I dove to avoid dieing but was hit by a bullet. I lit the keg as the ship was about to pass thinking it would still explode next to them if I die, but the same guy that diffused the same keg earlier jumped in the water, hit me with a knife, and diffused the keg again. Jamon and I laughed about how both of us had the same keg diffused by the same guy in the same fight.

    This battle went on for maybe an hour before we had eventually claimed victory. The brig sunk three times in total, the good sloop once near the end, and the other sloop sunk twice. The last ship to go down was the brig. Jamon had boarded and anchored it, then noticed our keg still floating in the water. He used the harpoon to grab it and finally got to sink someone with it.

    This battle is where sot shines. It was infinitely more enjoyable than any hourglass battle I've had.

    Sailing straight between two sloops as we each fired on them from both cannons.

    Watching 4 guys jumping around on the deck of a sloop trying to dodge my eye of reach shots and at the same time trying to harpoon me or my sloop.

    Having ghost ships that are circling wanderer's refuge occasionally take long shots at us if we got too close.

    I know some players can't stand interference in their 1v1 hourglass battles but I absolutely love the chaotic fights with multiple ships and threats. Just the life of that one keg was something we laughed about the rest of the night. We had to tell that guy how impressed we were with him defusing it twice.

    I hope Rare eventually decides to redo champion dives to be multiple ship battles so we could have fights similar to this on demand.

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