We are looking for Active and Mature sailors ~ A few positions opening soon as we come close to distinction lvl 4 ~ Dutch and English members

  • Ahoy, brave buccaneers! Are you looking for an adventure with a crew of mature people who enjoy the vast open seas?
    Then we are looking for you! We have a group of people that like to solo sloop, as well to play together. The way you like to play is fine by us.
    As long as you help us grow our guild to the next distinction lvl. Currently we are well underway to distinction lvl 4.

    What Do We Have To Offer You:
    🏴‍☠️ Plunder and Pillage: Sail with a crewmate or remain solo for the session. We love to go grind PVE or PVP alone or together; we take what the sea presents us.
    🏴‍☠️ A place where anyone can be the person they would like to be. We don't rule out anyone! Toxic behavior however will never be tolerated!
    🏴‍☠️ An active discord server, where all members of our guild have distinguished roles. You always know when other pirates are around.
    🏴‍☠️ Occasionally we organise group events and activities

    What Would We Ask From You:
    🏴‍☠️ A social behaving pirate: We love your presence and positive attitude. Toxic behavior is what we sometimes encounter, but not within our own ranks.
    🏴‍☠️ Being active within the guild: When you join us, we ask to to pledge your ships and actively sail with us as your MAIN guild on a weekly base.
    🏴‍☠️ Discord Presence: Join the crew on Discord to stay informed about what is going on. We have speech channels, which we use in- and outside the game to keep in touch.

    How to Join: Drop us a message here, explaining why we should recruit you within our ranks. Also share you gamertag and discord name.

    New positions are opening up soon, so we are currently making a pre-selection of new sailors.

    If you have any questions, then please ask us!

  • 24
  • ahoi,

    why you should hire me:
    i'm a seasoned sailor who had a longer pause (the last couples years) who's coming back to the game now with a friendly relaxed attitude. I'm not over aggressive to other player and crews but don't shy away from a fight.
    i'm looking for an active guild in the time zones of UTC+00 and UTC+01

    my gamertag: BaleogMR
    discord name: baleogmr

  • Ahoy!,

    I have been playing the game since the beginning.. but somehow it has always been very difficult to find people to play with. I would like to be part of a guild that knows how to play the game. I'm online almost every single day to play some PvE or PvP I don't mind. Never will I run from a fight. Next to that I am a friendly and social pirate. I will definitely be down to help get the guild to distinction 4.

    Gamertag: Lenfield
    Discord: Lenfield#9206

  • @BaleogMR

    See your discord ;)


    Can you add me on Discord, as you blocked incoming friend requests. You can add me: Promo#0332

  • Two spots remaining. See the info in the first post for further details.

  • We are currently lvl 443 (Distinction 4) and we have 3 open spots.

    See the first post for more details.

    When interested, also share your Discord with us, so we can contact you.

  • Hey there!

    The guild sounds great!

    Why me?
    I'm an experienced player just looking to make new friends and enjoy some quality time out on the seas, while also helping the guild progress. I always remain positive no matter the circumstances ("It's not about the gold, it's about the glory" haha) and am down for both, pve and pvp, with a slight preference for pve.

    My gamertag is TNTino8442
    and my Discord is Luquas

  • Greetings,

    I've been enjoying the discovery of this game for some 30ish hours now, I play regularly and am curious / willing to see what alliances/guilds content the game offers so i'm searching for crews !
    Mainly doing solo even tho I try from time to time to go with online matchmaking.. usualy people disconect a few moment after logging in soooo i've done all this alone :p

    Lemme know if I can join your group :
    Discord : althaea_
    Gamertag : Le Althaea

  • @t3nb3rg
    I am interested in joining a more active guild. I currently have 1700 hours and don't plan on stopping any time soon. I'm an achievement/commendation grinder who is on a couple times a week. If this seems like a good fit please let me know.
    Discord: JoshGump
    Xbox: JashGamp

  • ahoi,

    I want to join because I love the game and played it since the beginning but I always played alone so I get bored a lot when I play it I also speak Dutch so this post caught my attention immediately I really hope that I can join you're guild and become a part of the community

    gamertag: CallMeDADDY#232748
    Discord: buza_on_top

  • @t3nb3rg I want to be in an active group that sails at least a couple of times a week, together, getting people on boats, working for emissary rep and getting things that people need doing done.
    A time when the movers and shakers call to the group who hopefully respond.
    I just want to play.
    If you want people who do and your group has more life than a tramps vest, send me an invite.
    GT same as here and Discord Jackieboombox but I really don't want to join another dead guild or discord group. Only invite me if you're lively.

  • Currently we have two open spots.

    See the first post for all the details.

    Share and check your discord if you are interested, as we will contact you there for the followup.

  • Hello,

    Names K-Data, 36 Year old Living in Aus.
    Fairly new to Sea of Theives, But Loving it so far....
    Got myself to Pirate legend, Now just looking for something More from the game...
    Have a couple friends that play but only like once every week or 2, so looking for A actually crew not Random Crews which usually results in a griefer....
    Been playing every day so far since I got the game, So I'm pretty active.

    My Discord is : kdata.
    Hopefully hear from you soon.

  • Hello @K-Data7539

    Thank you for your message.
    See your discord. I sent you an invite. If you didn't got it, then let me know.

  • @t3nb3rg
    Can't see it...Make sure you have the Period at the end of "kdata."
    Profile should say "Originally known as K-Data.#7212"

  • We have *two spots left.

    See the first post for details.

    Mature members (25+) will fit in best.

    Send me a chat request to see if you fit in our ranks. Click my name and start a chat.

    Dutch and English (European) members mostly.

  • Sent you a dm, hope to hear from you

  • We always listen and welcome you aboard.

    Thanks for sending me a chat request. We still have a few open spots. We are close to distinction V.

    Send me a chat, click my name.

  • Hello,

    Interested in your guild.

    About myself:
    Been playing since Season 11, Total Playtime is 800 hours.
    40 Years old, gamer since the 80s, from the US.
    Enjoy unlocking commendations, grabbing loot, and occasional Hourglass.
    Looking for an active guild to play with to make it easier to join a more consistent crew to sail with.

    IGN: FleabagFinch
    Discord: TruffleLedoux

  • Yo can I join I’m on atleast 4 hours a day I may look new but trust me I’m better than you think.

  • We have one last spot. Send me a private chat, click my name :-)

    We are looking for an European member

  • We have two spots opening up.
    See the first post in this thread for all the details.

    Currently we are getting really close to distinction V (lvl 500).

    We are an European based guild.

    Start a chat with me, click my name and start a chat to exchange information.

    Dutch and English (European) members mostly.

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