ships entering an hourglass battle that are not a part of the fight

  • this has happened multiple times when joining an hourglass battle. we will be fighting an hourglass opponent and suddenly a ship will see us and make its way into the fight, disrupting/grieving us. this is extremely annoying and should not be allowed. why does the border that prevents you from leaving not also prevent outsiders from entering?!? or at least make a designated area for hourglass players to be undisturbed. there could be a tornado-like ring around the hourglass battle just like how the final fort in athena veils are or something. anything, just pls fix this grieving issue

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  • @an1myst1c this is intended...this is not a seperate PvP mode, it's a tool to get into PvP fast, still sets in adventure...sure it can be annoying, but it's fine that way

    Edit: this has nothing to do with griefing

  • @Schwammlgott
    then that would beg the question of why would we not get hourglass xp for sinking that 3rd party ship? or any player ship in general on adventure mode outside of hourglass? idk, it just seems like a pointless feature if this was intended to happen, which is why myself along with many others believe that hourglass should be privately matched. separate from anyone looking to get an easy sink in by camping a battle in adventure mode and swoop in at the last minute.

  • disrupting/grieving us.

    Who said Hourglass was a sealed battle between 1 v 1? Your just looking for a pvp fight, that is the purpose of Hourglass. You found a likely soul who also wished for a fight, and during the fight (Open World) another person looking for a fight joined.....just like if you didnt use Hourglass.

    It all fair.

    why does the border that prevents you from leaving not also prevent outsiders from entering?!?

    It suppose to prevent "runners" but limited.

    least make a designated area for hourglass players to be undisturbed.

    What if the area your in is locking people out from finishing a Voyage? That isn't fair, and there isn't that many places where HG can spawn people that isn't just an empty sea. We need islands/rocks to move around. :D

    just pls fix this grieving issue

    Where is the Grieving? It just someone who also wants to fight joining two other ships.
    Anyways: This doesn't happen often enough to be a disaster. Heck, I sail the sea waiting for two ships to spawn up and attack one or both, sometimes even get a Galleon Skeleton ship to follow me xD

  • SOT is so ambitious that we can't really waste time developing things that aren't going to add more to the game. It does suck when people interfere, but it's also cool that it can happen at all. Some people would like it while others would hate it. Not sense spending development time just to start a fuss.

  • @burnbacon as i stated previously, this has happened many times in my short time experiencing hourglass (45 guradians, 9 servants) and many times to players i know as well. my point is that hourglass is separate from adventure pvp. you spawn in with 2 ships, 1v1. you get separate xp from doing hourglass which makes it its own event. you cant get skelly or ghost curse by doing adventure pvp. you get no servants or guardian xp in adventure pvp. there is a whole (almost) half of the map that could be used for this. if i wanted to fight multiple ships at a time i would do what you do in adventure mode, i do it all the time when camping out FOF or FOTD. the grieving lies exactly where you contradicted yourself though. your waiting for an advantage on a battle that you will gain no hourglass xp from, hence wasting both ships time that are trying to lvl up a faction that your not even a part of. literally grieving the game mode.

  • @straw-hat-blake i understand this but i just feel that it is necessary to fix a flawed feature before ignoring it and moving on to just bury it. seems like kind of a pointless feature if you could just fight like this in adventure mode. I'm not a professional but it doesn't seem like it would take much development time to set designated areas with boundaries. if not, at least give us hourglass xp for sinking ships in adventure mode. no offense, i still love the game and i am aware that Rare is dealing with a lot right now and i appreciate all that Rare does for their community compared to many other companies. This is just an issue that i, along with many others feel needs to be addressed rather than overlooked. maybe a voting poll?

  • @an1myst1c giving xp for sinking any ship will be abused! That way you could try to get onto the same server with another ship, you vote for HG and sink that second ship over and over again...doesn't work when HG is voted, because you always get merged to another server when you sunk...

  • @schwammlgott i can see where that could be an issue which is why i brought up the border idea, like how the Athena veil is surrounded by a tornado. nobody leaves, nobody enters. seems to be the best option although i do still think we deserve some sort of reward for sinking ships in adventure mode tbh. maybe hit registrations could determine if the battle is genuine or not, some sort of AI, idk. that's just wishful thinking. but it does seem kind of dull after an intense battle with no reward ngl. but i digress...

  • @an1myst1c athena veil surrounded by a tornado? Just the big fort at the end...not the whole thing...everybody can enter it...

    I guess you meant the little arena should be surrounded by it...actually that would be even worse, as everybody would know that there's a fight going on and some would park there to attack afterwards

  • @schwammlgott i would be fine with that, at least i could get my rep that is deserved from hourglass and deal with them separately

  • @an1myst1c the reason hourglass is in the regular adventure world is quite simple:

    We have had a separate PvP oriented game mode before and that that got removed because only a minimal amount of game time was spent in it and the amount of dev time to just keep those servers in a working order was too much of an expense.

    Hence why hourglass takes place in adventure and adheres to basically all the same “rules” of adventure.

    If in Adventure i sail to another ship and get into a fight with them there is nothing stopping others from joining in.

    Well same thing with hourglass.

    Your question then might be, ok but why am i barred from getting out of the circle.

    Well that is basically to give some risk from choosing to go for hourglass, you pledge allegiance to the faction and choose to fight for them.

    And one thing is for sure with hourglass:

    At least 2 ships enter and only 1 of those 2 gets to leave.

    And if you get third partied alot of the time you can get your hourglass opponent to team up against the third party until the threat is dwalt with

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