Best method to unlock the Cartographer's weapon set

  • Ahoy Pirates,

    I am aiming to unlock the Cartographer's weapons. Given the sheer time it might take to unlock them, I am looking for suggestions regarding the most efficient method.
    Please refrain from suggesting any exploitative methods or recommendations to 'not focus on it and progress naturally'.

    Thank you!

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  • @tinny-caveman doing small island quests, look for messages in a bottle too theyre all kingly loot normally, and the small islands more likely to have emergent captains from what ive experienced but of course thats up to RNG luck, and between each island keep a lookout for shipwrecks, if you have a crewmate to maximize the captain and bottle efficiency,launch them to larger islands to let them search while you sail between the small islands which are always right next to eachother when you start the quests! hope this helps :D

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