Best controller settings IMO

  • The default input settings for controller are so slow it’s literally impossible to be competitive in PvP if you use them.

    Here’s what I personally use after many thousands of hours of playtime and being a person who constantly fiddles with these input settings because I had trouble ever feeling like anything I picked was a good option.

    Now I don’t change them, I leave them be because I know there’s nothing really better than this IMO. You can go faster and lose control or you can go slower and not be able to turn around fast enough to be competitive but this I feel is the sweet spot or very close to it.

    You will need to plug in a usb mouse (can be wired or wireless) to be able to select a response curve of 2.2 most likely.

    As far as aim assist settings leave it turned on and at default levels. It will help you in PvP.

    The first adjustment you should make if you don’t like these settings is decide is this too fast for me or too slow for me?

    Then adjust “Controller Sensitivity” in half steps and test again. Leave everything else alone especially the response curve.

    The 2.2 response curve gives the most useable acceleration IMO for all ranges close and far.

    Settings - Controller

    Adding custom controls to the dpad and pushing in the right stick for throwables, planks, bucket and food.

    Settings - Gameplay

    Set Reduce hold to interact to ON, Disable Ship Sitting Spots and optionally Disable Ship Trinket Interactions recommended if you aren’t actively changing your vessel’s decorations.

    Disable Auto-vote on proposed voyages

    Settings - Graphics

    Set Field of View to max (90), disable blur from ghostly treasure and disable screen shake from firing cannons.

    Settings - Audio

    Turn the Player Chat Indicator ON to know when you’re speaking in game chat.

    Settings - Matchmaking

    Optionally play with Xbox players only if you are playing on Xbox.

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  • The only thing I can ever get to feel somewhat right for me is lowest settings for response curve along with deadzone

    The rest is comparable to what I use.

    I'm about 10 or 11 months into total controller experience for a multiplayer game like this and most of it worked out eventually, after I switched but close quarters combat is pretty tough if someone doesn't have a mountain of pvp controller experience.

    Gaining access to controller servers changed the game for me in a lot of ways. They are so much more organic and enjoyable, so performing worse was a good trade for qol. The pvp is less unfun or more fun depending on the fight, the encounters are far more adventure focused and organic.

    I'm glad I ended up switching to controller overall. Challenging way to play the game in some ways but more rewarding imo.

  • @savvystraw37257 What about binds?

  • @personalc0ffee

    There’s an older guide I posted with that information but that all really depends on personal preference.

    I use RS for food and up d-pad for throwables but others may want to bind jump to RS or RB.

    This topic is mainly about the response curve of 2.2 IMO being the most suitable for all ranges meaning it’s just sticky enough for small, precise movements good for long range engagements and also not to sticky which makes close range engagements more challenging.

    I also don’t recommend using anything other than a 0.1 dead zone.

    Edit: I found and transferred the relevant info from the older guide.

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