Small BB Changes

  • Hi Rare,
    Ok so my favorite idea that I've seen for the BB is that you shouldn't be able to lower it when a ship is nearby, which is 110% a good idea. Also, the Blade of Souls should do 34% damage per hit or something because it's currently useless if the person you're fighting is sinking since the flames just don't do damage when you're in the water. Or maybe it could have some extra range, idk something to make it a little better as it is kinda just a cooler-looking normal sword. Also, I really want the bone knives from the trailer. Please put them in the game. OH and make the captaincy card for scoping onto the BB show like "BURNING BLADE" as rn it just shows a normal ship with the player and guild and it's kinda lame.

  • 13
  • I've got another having played through the camps now. The orbs of secrets need to give wayyyyyy more emissary grade value, doing 6 only got me to grade 3 guild. Also make it so the optional gold ones stay open, as it's kind of annoying keeping track of which ones you've done.

  • Oh also for balancing, I'd like to see a nerf to the repair speed of skeletons, as they seem to be really quick. Also probably make the skeletons weaker so that they can't just tank through all of your shots, taking far longer to kill. And maybe make it so the treasure room is locked in some way, I'd just like to see it be harder to immediately sell the loot of the PvE thing as it really doesn't incentivize a stacking playstyle. Maybe if you want to leave things stealable use a combination of the treasure grade from Hourglass and make it so you can only sell to reapers (if they can't already). That'd make it significantly more worth it to keep the loot, while giving players a centralized target to intercept at.

  • Back with more balancing. It should be a single chain shot to demast. Also it's anchor raising time should be like galleon or higher, not like sloop. I think ideally you want its weakness to be stopping the ship and having enemy boats play in its limited deadzone. I mean the frontal cannons and many many cannons really play into the idea that you're always going to be under fire going against this. But the ability to permanently kill the skeletons and have an easier time boarding from the two ladders plays into the idea that you're supposed to board as an element of this combat encounter. And the fact that there is an ashen winds skull for the crew to use plays into this idea of a boarder requirement as well. The battle should ideally be in two parts, first clearing the skeleton crew then challenging the crew aboard it. Making it easier to stop and longer to recover allows people to more easily board and take advantage of a that deadzone. And this even encourages a counter board strategy, as if you have someone sitting behind you maybe it's smarter to go board them and leave someone to use the skull and defend the ship with the skeletons. Allowing people to just raise the anchor really quickly or never have their sails go down is taking away a lot of tactical ideas to taking down this boss. I think it definitely needs some nerfs to be fair to smaller crews taking on the challenge of sinking the BB with larger crews. I think these changes allow for smaller but better crews to use that skill and outplay opponents, rather than just being defacto losers. To be clear, I don't think these are major balancing issues, but if you don't fix these kinds of issues it wears on the mode. Gradually people stop enjoying it as the "honeymoon" period fades away and then it's just overall bad for the game.

  • Also make it so the optional gold ones stay open, as it's kind of annoying keeping track of which ones you've done.

    Not that many and if very easy, Open & grab the gold, circle around.

    I'd like to see a nerf to the repair speed of skeletons, as they seem to be really quick.

    For a Solo, its ideal.

    Also probably make the skeletons weaker so that they can't just tank through all of your shots, taking far longer to kill.

    Dont board them. Cannon shots 1 shot kill.

    The orbs of secrets need to give wayyyyyy more emissary grade value

    They are far to easy to get.

    doing 6 only got me to grade 3 guild

    Guild? Yeah...guilds are meant to be slower to raise.

  • @burnbacon you should really board them to kill the lower deck skeletons, as killing them with cannon balls is terribly in optimal

  • Skeleton camps should also get their own title cards. I get keeping the names the same but it'd be cool to give them a Flameheart banner

  • Increase value for the obsidian ashen winds skull. It is harder to get than a normal ashen winds skull idk why it's so invaluable

  • The repair speed of BB skellies is pretty fast.
    BB spawn rate is BAD.

  • @fysics3037 I absolutely love it as is, it feels powerful, and it should!

  • @captain-fob4141 It's too powerful, and when people realize it's basically hopeless to fight you'll realize how boring the actual PvE side is. It's not good. They need to fix it before we get another SoSS

  • It isn't easy, but I can attest the BB is not TOO powerful. I was soloing it pretty well just now. Use the terrain to your advantage. Make BB work for its kill. You CAN do this. Stay out of the sights of that Dragon Canon though. That will ruin you. I got hit twice with that thing. And I can confirm with all certainty, the BB WILL launch boarders to your ship, so be prepared Pirates.

  • @fysics3037 considering you just have to kill the obsidians and the blade is an oversized galleon with poor handling, no it's not remotely close to OP, it loses in any drawn out fight.

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