Where is the Burning Blade? I’ve been looking for days’

  • Server hopping for hours with 4 people and we can’t find an un-captained burning blade.

    Grinding ashen winds waiting for a captained burning blade to spawn afterwards for days, and none do.

    I just want to try it the new content this is stupid.

    Make the new content more common so people can actually try it. I don’t want to sink people who already have it; I want to captain it myself.

    Getting your playerbase to server hop for hours just to try the new content is nuts.

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  • Do the world events. Especially if it's a FoF. TinFoil tricorn and all but I finally did a FoF, the BB spawned next.

    Somebody got to it before me because I was into the FoF loot lol. (Yes I know the chest is on the BB now...)

  • Have done nothing but world events non stop for 2 days and no burning blade spawns.

  • Hop or Grind?

    Seems likely.

  • So the options are server hop for hours and not actually play the game, or grind world events for days (6 hours with no burning blade after 8 or 9 world events).

    Thats bad game design when people obviously want to try the new content out. They need to increase the spawn rate of the burning blade. Even if it was 1 world event, then a guaranteed blade spawn, then a world event, then a blade spawn etc.

  • It’s over there…oh wait it captain by a player. Oh oh there it…no wait player…
    Hang on it’s….player.

    Oh there there it just spawn…oh three player ships just took it down

  • @burnbacon

    Yup! Where is the new content??? I just want to try it!

  • Another day, another 90 minutes with 4 people server hopping non stop, another lack of ANY uncaptained burning blades. C’mon Rare, we just want to try out the new content! Surely your metrics show that your players are just loading up the game and quitting non stop trying to find the new content, instead of actually playing the game.

  • It just sounds like you have my and my crew’s season 9 FoF luck. Literally 12 solid hours on the same server grinding world events and never 1 FoF the whole time. Next session it was all 4 of us scuttling for hours to find a FoF and if we managed to find one it would despawn before we got there! Was very frustrating, especially as our other friends were getting them, we saw people on stream getting them, it was just our crew that couldn’t! We took a few days off from trying and when we came back to it we finally were having better luck.

    My first go at the BB we had to grind world events for a while, but we got one after a ghost fleet. My next try was a BB on first spawn in. The difference between those 2 sessions was the first was in the middle of the day and the second was in the middle of the might. I know since I tend to play in the wee hours that there’s not a lot of competition. People who play during peak hours will always have the more difficult time. Unless you are trying to do HG, then playing in the middle of the night stinks because you can’t get opponents and if you do it’s usually the same crew over and over.

  • You can always have each member of your crew that has a captained ship scuttle to new seas until one of you finds one and then have the others join on them to take it

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