Do you love PVP regardless of whether you win or lose? Do you value people for their company, rather than their skill or experience? Maybe you want to get into PVP but you're met with "don't want to sail with noobs" every time you try to join a crew? Maybe you don't care who you sail with, as long as they're nice people that love PVP? If any of this sounds like you, then you might belong in the Reckless Noob Alliance. The RNA is a PVP focused guild that's open to any skill level, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Join up, meet good, friendly, like minded pirates, learn how to get better at PVP, and have fun fighting.
(The first two requirements below are the "must haves". Everything else is stuff we can work on together.)
This is an inclusive, LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse friendly space. We will not tolerate bullying, harassment, gender discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, SW shaming, body shaming, classism etc. of any kind.
Looking for players age 25+, who have a headset, and speak English.
We're interested in your attitude, personality, enthusiasm for PVP, chaotic good vibes, and your willingness to adopt a "lose and learn" mentality. We do not screen on skill or experience.
Who SHOULD join?
- Players with (or without) any amount of PVP experience, who are enthusiastic learners, happy to receive and adapt to constructive criticism; enjoy losing fights and then doing a quick post-fight analysis of where the crew could improve, always eager to dive into battle, sink, learn, and repeat.
- Players who value crewmates for their company, their attitude, their potential, and their willingness to learn, more than for their current level of skill or experience.
- Players who can provide a safe space for new/ inexperienced players to make mistakes and learn.
- Players who just want to find some nice people to PVP with, regardless of skill level.
- Players who put their heart and soul into every fight, regardless of whether they think they can win.
- Nerds who love to understand the maths and mechanics of the game.
Who SHOULD NOT join?
- Players who don't enjoy PVP or hourglass, and who would rather run and survive, than lose, laugh, and learn.
- Players who need to win every fight.
- Players who choose their crew and guild based on ranks and levels.
- Players who "just want their skelly curse".
- Players who are more interested in the results of a fight, than the fight itself.
- No discrimination (see first requirement)
- We abide by Microsoft's Terms of Service and Rare's Pirate Code and do not use or tolerate cheats or hacks.
- We win or lose as a crew. No blaming individual players. All feedback is constructive and with a view towards helping everyone improve.
- No egos or elitism. No choosing crewmates based on rank or level.
- No running from a fight. Even if you're solo slooping against a fully manned galleon, or if six ships have decided to gang up on you, or if you've got 6 trillion gold worth of loot on board. NO RUNNING. You're not expected to win every (or any) fight. You're expected to live up to the guild name and motto. We are Reckless Noobs and We Run From No One.
- Never give up. Never surrender. No matter how stacked the odds are against you; no matter how certain you are you that you can't win; no matter how many times you are spawn killed; You DO NOT GIVE UP. You fight tooth and nail till your ship is sunk, and you can trust that your crew will do the same.
If you think this is the guild for you, leave a comment, or send me a message on here, xbox, or discord (username: dcuser1990) telling me:
- Your age.
- Your name (or what you want to be called when gaming), and pronouns.
- Why you want to join.
- Anything else you think is relevant.
N.B. If you tick all the boxes, and this guild sounds like your kind of people, but you're maxed out on guilds or haven't settled yet, leave a comment or send me a message anyway. You're welcome to just join the discord, make some friends, and find some pirates to pirate with. I don't much care who I sail for, and this guild isn't about levelling up or grinding for commendations. It's also totally fine to join the discord, read our rules and get an idea of what the group is about, then decide it's not for you, or to move on when you've got a bit more experience and want to play with people your own level. You're not making a commitment by joining up and saying hi.