[⚓OS] Ocean Shadows guild (Level 710+ (🏆Distinction VII)) is looking for very active and experienced players. We are mostly commendations hunters and our goal is to reach ⚜️ Guild Distinction X ⚜️as fast as possible and close all guilds related commendations. If you have high activity per week in game and want to join us - write directly in this topic or contact me on:
Xbox: Tcenases
Discord: Tcenases
Steam: Tcenases (92045636)
[⚓OS] Ocean Shadows - Level 710+ (🏆Distinction VII) is looking for very active and experienced players ⚜️
Interested playing since 2023
1k hrs 800 allegiance
playing daily
discord: Aftrfall
Xbox: Aftrfall
Steam: Aftrfall@tcenases discord: td.har | Xbox: tdhar
How quickly is your guild levelling up as I am looking for a guild who will reach distinction 10 (obviously not immediately) but fairly soon
1 out of 12