Whispering Depths [14/24] - active guild looking for fellow (new) pirates!

  • There where others dare not sail
    We offer a friendly community, tips and tricks for those wanting to improve on their gameplay aswell as non-gaming related channels to stay in touch!
    Our discord is currently live, feel free to join in even if you're not yet a part of our guild!; [mod removed]
    We hold monthly activity checks to see who plans on staying in the game guild, don't worry if you can't be active 24/7 it's all about forming connections and a tight community!

    Will you answer the call of our newly formed guild? We're looking for active pirates wishing to become feared across the Sea of Thieves. Our name shall stand tall amongst others. If you are interested in joining our call leave a comment in this thread and you'll be soon amongst our ranks.

  • 8
  • We are still recruiting! Our discord is open to all who are in search of a friendly guild: [mod removed]

  • If you are still looking for a friendly active guild to join don't forget to send me a message on discord: discipline_florian! We're still looking to expand our roster with new pirates! We have a community discord up and running for those interested!

  • @flodvor I am a 60 yr old gamer that's been playing this about 3 yrs I am not a great player but I am active everyday and looking for a guild with active mates that actually wanna sail together
    GT Xbox dwheeling

  • @dwheeling Sure thing brother I'll add you on xbox that way we can arrange your entry to our guild!

  • @flodvor Would love to join. Active player with 300+ hours and loves a good aventure with PvP. Gamertag: sorensfinal

  • @flodvor

    I have been pretty active in the the game for the last month, I’m already a pirate legend so I’m pretty familiar with the game but just a little rusty. New to hourglass and still learning pve but I’m mostly a very casual player :)
    I’ve been looking for active players that I can sail with on the guilds, my own guild is lv22
    I’d be interested into join your guild as well
    My gamertag on XboxLive is @Bullhonkey98

  • May I join I am active everyday with over 1000 hours would love to be part of this community! What distinction is the guild if you don’t mind me asking??

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