“Joe Neates Elites” Level 295 guild looking for active players (21/24)

  • We are looking for active and experienced players who can help contribute to our guild. We are mainly a pvp focused guild but we will accept any type of player as long as they contribute to the guild.

    Members are encouraged to use the guild flag, not every session but at least sometimes to help level the guild up and contribute to the ledger.

    Inactive players will be kicked, but we do consider real life and will work with you to keep your spot.

    We also have a variety of rare and exclusive sails/shipsets to offer you as you sail in our guild, these include: Brave Vanguard, Overachiever, Golden Legendary, Serpents Lie, Lord Guardian, Oreo, Good Boy, Tsd, Unbroken Bonds, World Region Sails and many more.


    • 18+
    • Have a mic
    • 20+ days played
    • Be Pirate legend
    • Play frequently
    • Must be your main guild

    If you’re interested leave a reply with your gamertag :)

  • 13
  • @one-bussied Please don't keep creating new Threads for the same topic, you can simply add any additional updates/information with a post on this Thread.
    This Thread will be left open but any future Threads will be locked/deleted.

    Thank you.

  • Troddn is gamer tag and discord.

  • @troddn invited

  • Apple Bagger on Xbox if you’re looking for one more. Heavy PvP experienced player :) love to make coin.

  • @apple-bagger invited :)

  • As of now we have 1 spot left.

  • Our guild is now full, i will post here if any spots open up.

  • 7 spots have opened up and we are now level 364.

  • Interested, would like to get a sail in with you to see if we get.

  • @one-bussied hello I'm interested
    Pirate legends
    Guardian of fortune or wtv the ghost curse is I have it
    I'm chill
    Xbox diddy7143
    Discord breaddstickks

  • @sir-riasus invited

  • @diddy7143 invited

1 out of 13