Black Loading Screens Ruin Hourglass PvP

  • I don't know if it's a bug or connectivity issues, but getting killed in an hourglass pvp match just to have the screen go black with an infinite loading wheel ruins any sense of tension or urgency. I was losing a match, but that infinite black screen just ruins any chance of fighting back. Not fun. I have zero problems loading in to the normal game though, or starting a match, might be worth checking out?

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  • It is anoying. From my experience there is two ways it frequently appears:

    • You have a big stack of loot (talking about 1m+ gold worth of loots). I guess the game needs time to load them.
    • Your ship sunk, and the game is waiting to spawn you a new one (wich itself needs to wait that the sunk vessel completely despawns on the bottom of the seas)

    I'd say that most of the time, it as no consequences.
    There is other times where I can't explain why it happens though. Those are the most frustrating ones.

  • don't know if it's a bug or connectivity issues, but getting killed in an hourglass pvp match just to have the screen go black with an infinite loading wheel

    What about outside hourglass?

    I always see these complaints when it involves the 1% and they never say if it’s also the whole game.

  • @burnbacon maybe it is just an hourglass issue considering the fact that people report it most often in HG matches? Does that make it less of an issue because it "is only the 1%"? We deserve to have an operably game, this attitude is preventing even simple issues like glitched boat names, jitterbug, and water bug from being resolved sooner. I don't appreciate the notion that because we are not the majority we don't matter.

  • @arias1101 surprisingly I ran into this issue again last night while playing duo sloop on Hourglass PvP. We had zero treasure on board, and the ship had not sunk. We were boarded, I was killed first, my friend shortly after as well, the ship is still afloat. My friend loads back into the game before I do while I'm stuck in the black loading screen. After 10 minutes, my friend is killed again and then we both were stuck at infinite black loading screen. It's something else causing the issue.

  • Just to chime in on both a
    @Arias1101 and @BurnBacon comments and questions.

    I've had this happen outside of hourglass. With no loot stack. It does seem to be during "high action" situations. But that's also when you're most likely to die, so not sure that's a meaningful data point.

    I've had it happen in a skellie fleet with no players around. Not one I dove to. With no loot (repeating that for the 1m stack hypothesis.)

    I can also definitely say it wasn't because my ship was sinking. In the last six months, I've posted several videos here with 5+ minute black screens with the green helm spinning. No ship takes 5 minutes to sink. Further, several of these video have audio. The game isn't "locked up." The audio has sounds of repairs, boarders fighting, and the eventual "gong" sound of the ship sinking. All while I sit in a black screen and m telling my crew in Xbox party (so audio is not present) that I'm waiting and cant assist.

    In several instances, the ship does NOT sink. 5 minutes or more before the game just decides to release me from purgatory. And in some of those cases, my crew actively disengaged from the world event and/or the fight due to being short-manned.

    Yes, thus bug is real. Yes it is persistent. No, it is not just in hourglass. And no, it isn't happening just b cause the ship sunk and it's deciding where to spawn the ship. When it hits, it's painful, and feels like an unfair loss. I k ow this game doesnt necessarily care about being "fair" but there is still a difference between in-game situations (getting a kraken and a Meg and a skellie galleon at the same time) and being bugged. Black screened into oblivion. The latter feels really really bad.

    If it hasn't happened to you, don't downplay how bad it feels to those who have had the misfortune of being bitten by it. Their complaints are valid.

  • @burnbacon No its not a hourglass issue i get it rarely but is really nasty, have to alt + f4 from the game and start again join session.

  • You know when the game is taking time to load in things or if your ship is already sunk: in both cases there is no sound in the black screen. When the infinite load glitch happens, there is sound. You can hear everything going wrong around you. It's like everything is loaded, but some bit didn't flip to turn your visuals on and make your character appear.

    The earliest that I can remember this glitch is after the release of the Forsaken Shores update. I got an infinite black screen while listening to the sound of volcanic rocks smash my ships to pieces...

    This glitch is not unique to Hourglass and really breaks up your groove. If I lose my session to a glitch like this, I quit. I've put in numerous requests over the years, but it appears that getting Rare'd in one way or another, will come and go like the Shrouded Ghost, with a low chance and loads of unfounded theories as to how it occurs.

  • @grumpyw01f Yea and the point of sound is where you last died from and not where you would spawn. This happens to me on occasion and recently occurred last night at a skeleton fort. It is a lot more common during hourglass matches and can happen even if your boat hasn't sunk. Though it usually happens when your boat has already sunk.

  • I hope RARE fix this at some point. 1/10 fights have this problem .

  • Can also confirm and back-up that this issue is universal - usually during periods of heightened game activity - most often PVP battles but sometimes also during PVE events. You can hear the game continuing - cannon shots, player activity, ship taking on water and whatever else is happening. But you are stuck in a black screen completely helpless and it's very frustrating.

    Most frustrating of all, it has been around for as long as I have played the game, years and years with no apparent fix.

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