FERRYMAN'S FLEET - Now recruiting

  • Hello there

    The ferryman's fleet is a fresh guild looking for active and enthusiastic players to fill the remaining 21 spots

    Your experience as a pirate is irrelevant, as long as you're fond of the game and play a decent amount.

    The guild is based in the EU, but pirates from any region are most welcome

    We hope to hear from you soon.

    Yours truly, Captain Knud

  • 19
  • @knud4168
    Hey! I'd love to join, I play every day and would be very active!

    xbox gt - SLAYZKian

  • I am interested. I am kind of new, but I will be playing every day.
    I am on PS5. Gt : Aust Bad

  • Hey man DI0RN here, I would love to join an active guild! I’ve got a good bit of a experience im gettin back into the game after a 6 month break!

  • Hi! I've never been in a guild before my break, but I'm a returning player and hoping to stay. I'll help you guys out whenever I can and am willing to do whatever.

  • @slayzkian
    Hello! We've sent you an invite, please check your inbox :)

  • @DI0RN @Powerhouse6715 I've sent you some invites too, please check your inbox :)

  • Hello, I would love to join your guild because I would be active a lot I will pledge ships to your guild etc. let me know if I can join!

  • @kasperking13 You are so in my guy

  • I AM INTERESTED MY USERNAME ON XBOX IS Max09tv and on discord my username is nerfad bolibompa markus.

  • Hello, I’m a newish player looking for people to play with, if you’re willing to shoot me an invite my xbox gt is ugIysweaters with an uppercase i for the l.

  • Hey there im quite new to the game been playing for just over a week and im interested in joining your guild. Im on ps5 but my xbox tag is Megumax#3458

  • @megumax3458 @ugIysweaters you have also been sent invites ;)

  • @KasperKing13 @Max09tv @Megumax3458 @Powerhouse6715 @SLAYZKian @ugIysweaters It is heavily recommended that you pledge your captained ships to the guild, as this will bolster our guild progress significantly :)

  • Hello there mate, I would be very interested :D I was looking for an active guild for a long time, I mostly played solo cause I didn't have friends that played this game. I am active, playing most of the days

  • @theoldmaster378 Very good, sending you an invite. Please remember to pledge a ship :)

  • @knud4168 Hey just wondering, is there some of communication for the guild like a discord or something?

  • @megumax3458 Fantastic question, I just created one. Here's the link: https://discord.gg/kVEjVuBY

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