I Have Never Seen This Before and it Needs a Fix.

  • To add context to what I'm about to say, I play on PS5 and have always been a console gamer. I have played many AAA titles that include PvP as a strong aspect in their gameplay (including SoT). I finally decided to stop using the "prefer controller players only" setting so I could get faster matchmaking, more active servers, etc.

    No problems, this went fine, HG was a little harder, but nothing I couldn't handle and I saw no cheaters.

    Until recently.

    Maybe my experience is unique and I am just lucky that I have avoided cheaters on games for this long, but I think it's because the chances of meeting both a PC player while on console, and one awful enough to cheat, are low.

    I have seen 2 cheaters in only the last 2 days of playing Hourglass and 5-6 more in the week before now.
    First it was a guy flying and clipping through my ship while bombarding me with "skill issue" and "it's just server lag" excuses for my repeated deaths at the hands of a cheater. The second enemy spawned ON my ship during the intro emerge animation and became unkillable right after I respawned.
    Previous cheaters have aimbot sniped me, ran around lightning fast, become immortal, and one particularly interesting guy matchmade against me in a 4 player galleon (I'm solo/duo sloop most of the time). I thought the galleon was a glitch, but it became clear by the laughing, insults and my cannon shots going through their ship, that something more sinister was at play.

    I have NEVER been one to complain about cheaters, I never encounter them, and I never hear about them from friends.
    But I have no choice but to complain, until this calms, I am not going to attempt more than a 2 streak in Hourglass for fear of it ending unfairly.

    I understand that cheating is a difficult problem for devs, but I love Hourglass and hate to see it ruined for anyone so please try to fix this because the issue is far from solved.

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  • doing a patch for hg before the hg event is a good sign

    it shows that they are trying to create a maintained experience and are paying attention to concerns in the hg community,

    I get that Hgers can feel like that is inaccurate sometimes but patches for hg specifically would be a step in the right direction going forward.

  • It used to be much worse. I remember fly-keggers in HG, people teleporting/flying, being invincible (they'd have a storage crate on your ship and take all your supplies while you were unable to kill them), insta-repaired ships, bots that would bucket water out that would magically fill up your ship no matter the distance, so yeah, they know cheating will always be a problem, and all we can do in the meantime is record and report, sadly.

  • So what you need to do is very simple.

    Report them.

  • Dealing with cheaters with even an anti cheat really is just an arms race. The best thing you can do if the ps5 has a way to record, try and record it and go to the support section and report the player and what they are doing with the video. The devs do not take reports that dont have proof like a video since people could otherwise make stuff up. But the more cheaters you report with proof, the more easily they can identify whats happening and get it in their anti cheat.

    Sadly most of the cheaters in this game bypass bans for totally free for reasons i wont state, but at this point everyone knows, and there is only really 2 solutions to really combat that free re-entry, but they have yet to use either for some reason, and the most effective one would be the easiest to do.

  • v hgjuyhkuh

  • @sot-maptable said in I Have Never Seen This Before and it Needs a Fix.:

    v hgjuyhkuh

    Bless you

  • @burnbacon Sadly the report feature in most games is a bit of a joke. It's more luck than anything. I have tried though!

  • u might be tripping fam. ive never heard about cheats making a boat invincible to cannons. maybe im trippin.

  • @hoot4565

    Not luck. You just need proper evidence other wise your reporting based on words alone.

    Only joke here is players who think they can just report anyone for anything and expect results without evidence

    It silly really

  • @l0cke547 You would be surprised at what people dream up with cheats.
    Little update on this:
    I have seen 0 hackers since this post!
    But my friend has recently had a guy force his ship back into a dive somehow. It just locked him underwater, I’m wondering if it might have been a glitch but I wouldn’t put much past hackers.

  • @burnbacon I always include a PlayStation5 clip. It records as you play so I almost always have a clip.
    Still it only works 50% of the time

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