Pirate in search for a Guild

  • I am an almost daily and nightly pirate (retired guy in Florida) playing on a PS5 in search of an active guild. I have been sailing the seas for almost 1 month and own a Sloop and a Brig. Level wise I am: Gold Horders - 34, Souls - 27, Merch All. - 17, Hunter’s - 15, Realer’s Bones - 1, Athena - locked… trying to hit the magic 50 on 3 of them!
    My only guild experience was brief but positive and the reason I left was after being a member for about 10 days, I only found members playing twice… I play during the day and at night so Im looking for a more active group.
    Again, I am on the east coast of the USA.

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  • @bodeco80 Hey! i just started playing again after a year about a week and a half ago i created a guild for people to hang out and rank up emissary's and stuff also looking for people to play with if you wanna join add me on xbox (mrd476)

  • @bodeco80 hey this is Sketchblack17 from the Thanos guild. We are looking for active members that are 18 +. We do have a discord as well. We do hold event and host other games on our discord. You can say we're building a gamer community. If your interested please reach out to my XBox gamer tag Sketchblack17 or my discord. My discord is the same as my gamer tag. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

  • @mrd476 not sure I know how to add an Xbox player when I’m on PS 5, but am open to crew with you.

  • @bodeco80 I belive theres a xbox app on your phone thats how my friend added me atleast

  • I am also on the east coast looking for a guild to join.

  • @renee-le-mom Would love to have you in my guild! if you want to join add me on xbox mrd476 or on discord @uncletac

  • This is Sketchblack17 from the Thanos guild. We are looking for active members at the age of 18 +. We do use discord and hold events and hops. If your interested you can hit me up on my Xbox or discord. My gamer tag is Sketchblack17 and my discord is the same. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

  • @mrd476 I friended you on Xbox. Do you mind that I don’t have a mic?

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