Hourglass anti fun matter

  • I feel like the area size in hourglass should be reduced to always in cannon range(long) to prevent running. I feel like running is fine in open world but when queued up for PVP you should be ready to battle not run. I feel like people that abuse the area should be stopped. Also the devs should teach people more about battle sails and how to have a naval battle. Too many matches are either running around (which people can go happily do in high seas) and jousting matches (where one player actively shoots you a couple times runs away and tries again repeatedly.)
    Yes blah blah blah chain shot. I'm fine using chain shot but should matches(that are pretty numerous btw) revolve completely around this constantly. It's so tedious to deal with and at this point the people who've done it a while and are more skilled its downright toxic to the game itself.
    Should we not do this and for what reason?

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  • The timer/scoring thing people bring up is all that really makes sense overall and "solves" the most with one change.

    Naval is a dance, if the dance partner doesn't cooperate with it (on both sides) to create a quality experience then it it's not a fun or quality dance.

    A good naval fight is a considerate fight, it is one where people are being considerate of the other for the sake of a good back and forth fight.

    Can't teach that, just takes a mindset and a lot of experience and a whole lotta luck.

    HG lacks a lot of -being considerate of others in battle-, that leads to constant clashing and constant frustration. All it needs to be is practice for everyone because that is all that it is at the end of the day.

  • I feel like the area size in hourglass should be reduced to always in cannon range(long) to prevent running

    How much smaller before you start running into ships, rocks and islands?

    I feel like running is fine in open world but

    and..where do you think you are when using Hourglass?

    when queued up for PVP you should be ready to battle not run

    There many ways to do battle on the sea. One way is to out last the other ship, until the other ship decides to quit or die from starvation. xD

    I feel like people that abuse the area should be stopped.

    Tools vs Rules, last i check Hourglass has no rules.

    It's so tedious to deal with

    So tedious to deal with sweaty pirates who give chase instead of actually thinking on how to win a fight, it also Tedious being chased when not using Hourglass but here we are. xD

  • @burnbacon Oh come on quit playing dumb you know your in a bubble you can't leave also your explanation on the so called "attrition tactic" where you abuse the game to make someone quit thats exactly what i'm talking about thank you for explaining more. Quit trying to be a smart ellic.

  • I would change the limit area to behave just like the red sea (not instant death but more and more holes as you go far in.), and I would reduce it in size as the match goes on.

    It is currently very wide, and running ships defenitly can be an issue (the smaller the crew, the more common it is, and the harder it is to counter).

    The miles commendation doesn't help either. It litteraly asks players to do it.

  • @LonePineapple44 Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


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    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

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  • @look-behind-you he is constantly passive aggressive towards everyone’s opinion but that’s okay

  • @lonepineapple44 he’s a little rare glazer

  • @wolfmanbush so practice catching runners lm ao

  • @deadsyde instead of complaining and trying to change the game mode to cater to your (lack of) abilities, you should instead use those matches to practice pinning down your enemy with chainshots, and keeping them down with well aimed cannons on their rigging; or practicing catching them with boards, and working on your tdm to sail them out of bounds.

    Whenever i get a jouster, i abandon naval and just board/sail them out. Jousting is usually a sign of low skill levels.

  • @worst-tdmer At least I'm trying to come up with ideas to try to make the game better. If you reread the post you'll find that im fine with chain shot your ignoring the point of the post but thanks for your "input". Im not too shabby at the game insulting my skill level is useless anyways.
    bolded text

  • @arias1101 thank you see a new idea and not insults thats actually a really good idea tbh i like it a lot

  • @worst-tdmer
    In principle, this should not be in the game.
    If I want to escape for 2 hours, I'll escape in a single sloop. After knippels, I will always cling to the mast and interrupt all boarding attempts with bombs.

  • @whawk0 and if I want to catch you, I'll hit my chains and keep you off the mast or shoot over as soon as I chop you.

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