After getting sunk I got World Changed/Merge without who sunked me.

  • Hello,

    Today at the end of my solo-sloop session I've got sunked by a Reaper Brigantine, they chased me for an Hour and I had some decent fight attempts using some good naval tactics... but yeah... after a while I've got sunked, but I was ready to try and fight back for my things, cause I thought I have a very slim chance, but a chance at that!

    After setting sails and raising anchor I got "The World is Changing" message and after that, my Reaper Brigantine enemies weren't there anymore... I was sure they were there looting, I doubt they left the server after sunking me just for fun. But yeah, if that's the case my barrels and loot got left in the "old world" or in the world that the Reapers got merged on.

    I don't know if that's normal server behavior, but even if they logged out, shouldn't the loot still by "tied" to me and my ship, shouldn't it be merged on the new server, or shouldn't a ship get a 15 min grace period to get back their things after a sunk before getting merged?

    Hope that helps if it is an actual bug!

    Bye bye!

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