Merchant Forager and Black Powder Merchabt achievements situation

  • Hello there! I want to give feedback about them deliveries for powder kegs and fruit chests.
    Is there is any plan reworking/fixing the situation with 2 achievements?
    Currently there is no way of getting the delivery except finding message in the bottle and during last 50hours we focused on that and picked up every bottle - our crew have seen there was only ONE delivery of powder keg.
    Currently those two achievements are uncreachable. So i just wanted to ask if you got anything on mind soon to resolve the matter?
    Either improving deliveries droprate or giving some delivery captain voyage or something else?

    Thank you for providing awesome Pirate sandbox game! It's been pleasure to sail on Sea of Thieves. Cheers, Peter.

  • 22
  • @darthsmith5216 I'm 3% away from my black powder achievement... 😐

  • @qu1etone i feel you man :/ Currently those last 3% will take ages to conplete. The matter really needs taking some action

  • +1

    The forum is filling up with topics asking for those changes.
    I do agree that we indeed need something changed here.

  • We got some welcome communication from Rare on the cheater issue and info on a fix being in the works, maybe we can get something similar for this issue.

  • +1

    @hefty-henri said in Merchant Forager and Black Powder Merchabt achievements situation:

    We got some welcome communication from Rare on the cheater issue and info on a fix being in the works, maybe we can get something similar for this issue.

    Would be cool if Rare would talk about this topic, yeah!
    They just have to let us know that they hear us and are looking into it.

  • I completed it when there were barrel missions, unfortunately they removed that and it became practically impossible to do... I support a nerf but I would be disappointed if it became easy to the point where I could buy those missions.

  • @darthsmith5216 +1

  • @lleorb It doesn't have to become quick and easy but back when kegs were part of the voyage system and crate deliveries were a pretty regular find in both barrels and bottles, these achievements were relatively easy to complete. I didn't even try back then and i got like 15% progress in a decent time, it should at least go back to the rarity it used to be.

  • I understand the threat of having powder keg captain mission, digging it out and harass other players with it.. but at the same time i do not understand it. Since you can just go to stronghold or fortress and get barrel there instead.
    For the sake of ease of getting achievements i believe the compromise is possible - either just improving droprate from messages in the bottle so it does not affect current way or making cpt voyage for it but raising amount of needed barrels to let's say 200 and fruit to 100.
    Or even reworking achievements. Maybe changing to completing X deliveries from messages in the bottle as a whole activity. There are whole bunch of other ones possible to get there - like delivery of plants, goods, etc
    That's up to discussion or for Rare to decide. But i hope for issue to get notice :)

  • @darthsmith5216 keep it as it was. I'm 3% off completion and have been for soooooooooo long. I do not want them to raise the amount. Please no.

  • Dear Rare,

    please give us "wooden/fruit crate" delivery voyages from Port Merrick to Morrows Peak
    and while we are sailing on this route spawn in some skelly ships and megs that we can defeat.

    You know ... boring delivery quest, but spiced up with a visit from the megalodon. Arrr!

    cheers! ;-)

  • @drfauli wonderful idea. Add powder kegs on top of that :)

  • Add powder kegs on top of that :)

    A voyage where we have to deliver powder kegs and then get skelly ship spawns on us,
    could end up in quite a big explosion. =D

    For me personally, I feel like powder kegs should be added to a separate voyage
    or maybe even just like it was before: bottle quests only, but increase spawn rate to previous values.

    If I had the option to vote for a long distance "wood/fruit crate" voyage with added meg/skelly ship spawns,
    then I would enjoy this option much more, than having to wait for random chance encounters/bottle quests. ;-)

  • Rare could also add the wooden crates and food crates to lost shipment voyages.

    The crates could be inside the shipwreck and count towards the commendation,
    when we deliver them during the mission (together with the logbook).

    @drfauli said in Merchant Forager and Black Powder Merchabt achievements situation:

    A voyage where we have to deliver powder kegs and then get skelly ship spawns on us,
    could end up in quite a big explosion. =D

    Fighting skelly ships with kegs on board would end in distaster!
    As we can often see, when the skelly ships spawn with kegs on their ship. ;-)

  • @sinusjupiter496 yes, having those crates inside the lost shipment voyage would also make sense.

    There are many ways to improve this content and make it more enjoyable.
    We just have to wait for Rare to hear our feedback and include some changes into the game. =)

    I love to see the skelly ship bounce from keg explosions. Always fun to see. ;-)

  • @lleorb so you bought the voyage and finished the mission before they removed it and you'd be disappointed if they bring it back? only talking about the power keg btw, the one that had a buyable quest

  • @artemis-syz I don't even know how I completed the powder keg to be honest, it was natural at the beginning, if it was once purchasable I don't care if it is again.

  • My suggestion stand with adding two separate on-demand quests to the Merchant Alliance that can be accessed from the quest table at any time;

    • One quest for delivering a random number between 1-8 Gunpowder kegs

    • One quest for delivering a random number of 1-8 crates (fruit, cannonball or wood)

    Both these quests naturally makes progress towards the Merchant Forager/Black Powder Merchant achievements/commendations.

  • Rare pls fix this

  • to lost shipment voyages.

    I agree with @SinusJupiter496 as fruit, wood, cannonball, and black powder kegs can already be found in the captain's quarters during "An Executive's Lost Shipment" and "An Ashen Executive's Lost Shipment" this might be a good place to allow progression.

  • They must fix this

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