Idea for the Lantern

  • The idea is hanging the lantern on the belt to give you light so you can have light when holding a sword or another thing.

    Here is how i though would work:

    -Pick up the lantern it will be turned off at first always instead of the default which is on at the first time after respawning or starting the game.

    Then if you turn it on and press x or equip any other thing. The character will put it on the belt with it giving light. Hanging on the belt.

    • Then to turn it off is just simply switching back to the lantern and turning it off.

    • If you want to raise the lantern you will need to switch it back to the lantern and do it as normal.

    Is a simple idea that would let that option which is very good for when its dark and you are in the combat. Specially against shadow skeletons.

    And the best part is that is a simple concept a lot of games like RDR2 has it. And its really simple, realistic and helpfull.

    Thanks for hearing me out.
    Please upvote this post so it can reach Rare

  • 9
  • @gustwolf13 I think the point with the lanterns is that you do have to switch between it and your weapon of choice when fighting shadow skellies. That's the fun. The danger.

  • @qu1etone

    But the focus of it is just having light it sucks to have to switch of your weapon for it. It has affected me a lot.
    And as i said its something used a lot in real life and in other games is something easy and useful.
    They can put it that if its in your belt it wont help on shadow skeletons aswell i dont mind

  • It would also be sweet if the swords with light effects acted like lanterns. Like the ghost sword, Neat idea with the stay on belt lantern concept.

  • @b2g00d

    Thats actually a incredible idea incroyable!
    Trés bien

  • +1 It sounds useful

  • I agree entirely, but only if they add more dark places to use this excellent idea! It sounds really cozy.

    ...Perhaps we could explore cave systems, or these weird mine networks in the skeleton camps and reapers lair...

    More ancient temples, even if they had no enemies. Could be exploring for hours.

    Turning on the light when looting islands with your crate.

  • I'm still waiting for the faction level to somehow pump up the character or something like that. Let them add the ability to hang a lantern on the belt for certain achievements in the game)!

  • @ninetyninehb

    Thats a very good point there is massive caves with secrets on almost every island but they are very badly explored by Rare. That would be amazing

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