Skeleton Curse wearing normal clothes???

  • I was grinding servants hourglass recently, and I realized that the only cosmetics you can get for the Skeleton curse are sold by the Bonesmith, which take so much more grinding on top of the insanely difficult hourglass mode for us PVE players. But, why add more skeleton cosmetics if it acted as a PVE curse, and you can wear your clothing with the skeleton curse underneath? Its the sole reason that I was grinding for the skeleton curse, especially when I thought the new Obsidian Bone crusher set would go perfectly with the Skeleton curse. Imagine my disappointment when it dawned on me that the only cosmetics I could get for the skeleton curse is only from the bonesmith. Rare, PLEASE! Let our skeletons wear good looking clothes!

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  • @samdalorian0 It's a matter of technical limitation, it would look visually strange, it's so limited that we only have 3 customization slots for the skeleton, which makes everything less cool, but unfortunately this is the best they can do.

    I don't have any technical data to back this up, but MAYBE it would be possible to use our own clothes if the skeleton curse was standardized, instead of everyone having a different sized skeleton. Even if it weren't possible, it would definitely be easier to create items for the skeleton curse if each outfit didn't have to adapt to several different body shapes.

    In my opinion, I would prefer everything to be standardized, I prefer to express my individuality with clothes than to show off more protruding or thin bones.

  • @lleorb The current skins are good enough

  • I would love for this to be in the game as well. Hopefully Rare agrees with this idea and could maybe implement it but based on statistics it is most likely not going to happen. First lets hit the background information to this. To even wear regular cloths on skeleton you would have to textureize and most likely remodel all the clothing in the game since the skeleton is see through and skinny, and this would take a load of time that could be used in other projects. Second the amount of people that get skeleton curse is surely not the large majority of the playerbase so even if they did put a ton of time into doing this it would be all for maybe 10% or less of the playerbase with the curse, meaning a lack of content for everyone else.

  • @ixxxoloff I don't think so, there is only one skull with a simple hat and it is part obsidian, all the clothes with coats came in the last update and are just reaper outfits. There is only one complete pair of pants that is not ripped or has a peg leg.

    When the curse was cast, there wasn't a single set that resembled a skeleton NPC, other than the fact that everyone looked the same.

    Even with everything unlocked I still have difficulty creating a "common" skeleton design that is satisfactory.

  • It may be difficult for Rare to adjust the clothing accordingly to different pirates, but look at Flameheart rig. There’s nothing holding his shoulder cloths up, his hip clothes arent sagging, and nothing is holding his left arm up. All of these are rigged to a regular pirate model. I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be difficult to rig up a whole new skeleton clothing rig when a rig like Flameheart already exists with pretty much everything that I’m asking for. It may be a bit unorthodox, but we have ghost fleets, skeletons captaining ships, and accelerating by swinging a sword. At this rate, a skeleton rig like Flamehearts on the skeleton curse would be the least unorthodox.

  • @svoftheflame NPCs are made completely, the modeling of their clothes and body are one thing... that's why some NPCs have clothes that we wouldn't be able to wear.

  • At least they should make a variant of the clothes that you can wear onto the skeleton curse, like a tattered or more worn out version of individual clothing items. And even if only 10 percent of the player base have the skeleton curse and Rare thinks it’s too much work, I don’t. You get the skeleton curse, you should be able to customize it any way you want. Cuz grinding to 100 just for the regular curse isn’t easy.

  • You can't wear normal clothes because they weren't designed to be worn on a "transparent" body, they probably have no geometry on the inside

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