'MISSING THE MARK' [Distinction 7 / Level 715+]

  • Ahoy there!

    We are looking to recruit 3 more pirates to join our guild 'Missing the Mark'.
    Having already reached Distinction 7, we are only interested in very active players who will contribute towards the guild reaching Distinction 10 as quickly as possible.


    • Inactive guild members or those who contribute little to the guild reputation/emissary ledger will be kicked.
    • Members must use the guild emissary, not necessarily every session but still on a regular basis as this levels the guild up quicker.
    • You ideally have Discord.

    If you're interested, message me here or direct @iPity7heFool on Discord or Xbox.

  • 10
  • Hello,

    Im playing daily 3h a day around 7-10pm EU time-zone.
    Started in 2019 - long break from 2021 until 2023. from last year Im on board.
    Good at shooting and Im a supportive person..

    Hope you invite me! ByForce3


  • @ByForce3 I've added you as a friend and sent you an invite to the guild.

  • Hello , me and my friend would like to join your guild we are very active and we would love to join we are ps5 players and we have been grinding a lot and we would love to join an active crew my username is Vakaris2880 and my friend is HeelPlatypus

  • @Vakaris2880 Thank you for your interest, the guild has just reach the maximum 24 players again so we are not looking to recruit anyone further for now.

  • Hey I’m interested in the guild. I’m currently top 10 on the global reaper ledger and have over 1.5k hrs played. I also have the serpent lies sails and am 700 in SOTF. I also have the black dog pack and ferryman set. Additionally I actively play with multiple guys with sea of champions and NAL sails. I am currently grinding for gold skelly and will most likely use your guild flag when I run HG. Lemme know if you can make some room for me.

    Xbox Gamertag: RowGoKrazy

    Dm me if interested!

  • @rowgokrazy I've sent you a DM as requested via Xbox messaging.

  • @ipity7hefool I’m in, I pledged my main sloop and another.

  • GT - AlphaRomeoKilo

  • @alpharomeokilo Sorry, our guild is full.

1 out of 10