Fix jump registration

  • One of the most annoying bugs that I don't think gets enough attention. Jump registration is awful in this game. I don't know any other game that you can press the jump button and you just don't jump.

    You will notice this bug when you try to jump. On your screen it appears you're starting to jump, but then it lags you back down. Sometimes happening multiple times in a row. Makes it very difficult to move in a predictable manner from a player's perspective.

    We've got some fixes for Bucket Registration and Hit Registration in the past, now please work on the Jump Registration.

    Thank you

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  • @bleu-solo can't say this is something I've noticed. I'll get the odd jump where with lag on ship I take fall damage or even visual from broken legs, but jump seems pretty responsive to me.

  • This common for me on enemy boats and sea forts. Been happening for years.

  • @hiradc Here is an example. These clips were all taken in about 5 minutes with just myself on a sloop with no other ships around. It gets worse when more people & more boats are nearby. Sometimes you will fail the jump multiple times in a row just spamming space. As you can see, it's very disorienting when you are expecting one outcome and get teleported back into a totally different reality.

    I wish I had a clip from yesterday I jump regged 5 times in a row trying to jump over a small barrier while on an island.. not even on a ship. Spamming space bar and I couldn't make it even though it was something that can be jumped over under normal circumstances.

  • I saw sponge and nessie mention something about when on island waves it messes with jump and they get stuck when boarding enemy on recent sponge vid, maybe related?

  • Next time you clip an issue like that, make sure you have your Ping on display. That looks almost like a Lag spike.

  • Looks to be Lag of the server or your side of things.
    Send this to Support and see what info they have.

  • @hiradc Happens on islands too, not just the ship.

    I'll try to get a good clip on an island sometime and post it, as well as check out ping. All I do know is that I never have any issues jumping in any other game- even on high ping.

    Seems like some major desync or input lag. I've heard that some people use bunny hop scripts (a macro that spams the jump button multiple times when you press space) and this causes the player to jump correctly every time without having this teleport down, however I refuse to use any macro because it would be against the rules.. Just bringing it up so that maybe it could help the devs narrow in on the problem and come up with a solution for players that want to play legit.

  • Here it is, jump registration occurring on an island at less than 45 ping. It does appear my ping rises somewhat, but no more than 8 ms which shouldn't make a difference.

    Again - it is extremely jarring to expect one outcome, but get teleported into another reality. Sometimes it happens frequently, sometimes not at all.

  • Its months if not YEARS,expecially in forts with skellies.

  • Thats a latency issue, could be on user or server end, or could just be from being connected to a pretty far server with high ping. Reg issues are entirely on the server end and im positive its a packet loss issue, which latency is not.

    Only time i ever get this issue is on servers that are just laggy as a whole.

  • I get jump reg on any server with any ping. It is more common on higher ping, but can happen to me at 35.

    Hoping we can get a solution to this one because it's extremely disorienting and happens to me so many times every time I play. Probably at least 1-3 times every 5 minutes.

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