Saving Lantern Colors on Captained Ships

  • With the Skull of Destiny being introduced a while ago making it incredibly easy for crews to start the Fort of the Damned I would greatly appreciate the ability for ship lantern colors to remain saved between sessions. Some of my ships just look better with ghostly green or vibrant red lanterns and ya boi just wants to style with ease and not have to commit to going for my lantern colors every single session.

    Flames of Fate from Tall Tales best color btw.

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  • Since its hard to tell if it will be a legend only playing the ship if its in guild, or newer players, i could see why they may not do it since the skull of destiny is a legend only voyage, but honestly after the fof became a thing and they added that skull, fof became a pretty niche thing. So it would make sense to be able to save it and not worry too much about fotd balance any more.

    Big agree on the tt flame being best, if i ever supply up in the tales i always make sure to use that flame.

  • To make it interesting, they can only be saved if they didn't come from a skull of Destiny. You still have to get killed by an opponent to save the pink flame....

    Or not. Save the lights

  • With the Skull of Destiny being introduced a while ago making it incredibly easy for crews to start the Fort of the Damned

    So we have the best answer. But you want a more easier way because. Reasons?

    Besides that. Not everyone does the SoD voyage or can. Fotd is still a rare event and when it spawns from players it a good reason to attack it. XD

  • @zherron-vorse said:

    the ability for ship lantern colors to remain saved between sessions.


    Flames of Fate from Tall Tales best color btw.


  • I fear we might see some annoyingly repeated colors if this happens, such as rainbow on many ships due to convinience if fotd.

    There is also the fact that many will probabily use green and blue to be camo. People can do this already and you can distinguish them from skeleton ships by counting laterns and zooming in. But it could be annoying when many ships do it, and you have to zoom on each one. I believe Few zoom in all the time, which is why the camo can work right now id say.

    I will support this change if you can save 1 color to your ship mby, but few will use the regular organic yellorange lanterns then.

  • @zherron-vorse said in Saving Lantern Colors on Captained Ships:

    With the Skull of Destiny being introduced a while ago making it incredibly easy for crews to start the Fort of the Damned I would greatly appreciate the ability for ship lantern colors to remain saved between sessions. Some of my ships just look better with ghostly green or vibrant red lanterns and ya boi just wants to style with ease and not have to commit to going for my lantern colors every single session.

    Flames of Fate from Tall Tales best color btw.

    I personally like that the lantern colors must be pursued via various means. The game is all about accumulating cosmetics, after all. At the same time, if I could save the lantern colors I wouldn’t complain. It is super quick and easy to get a skull of destiny, though, and a good point was made in this thread regarding gaudy color schemes becoming more prevalent. As an example, I play with some people (great people, no discrespect to their bad lantern color taste) who want red and blue so that we can have police colors… I cringe every time it happens, and the idea of making it easier to achieve doesn’t give me the good feels.

  • I prefer lantern customization, and them having their own colors, or a separate lantern/color customization.

  • @lleorb said in Saving Lantern Colors on Captained Ships:

    I prefer lantern customization, and them having their own colors, or a separate lantern/color customization.

    The Frog Lantern from last season to start. Would go well with the Battletoads Livery 🐸

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