Remove or Update Legacy Achievements

  • It is a shame that the Xbox portion of the community cannot 100% this game due to the legacy achievements. Other games like gears of war have found ways around this. My suggestion would be free unlocks for players (and if you are concerned about the players who got the achievements originally you could award a cosmetic). The other option would be to update the text to “or” after it with a new requirement so it can still be unlocked. With all that said, at a minimum you could add a hot tub to an outpost so we can get hot tub Time Machine. Thank you for listening!!

  • 19
    xbox onegeneralfeedback
  • @llama-rider64 If you didn't earn those legacy ones, then you would not have 100%. The way Xbox handles discontinued achievements is the most fair way and accurate representation of your gameplay. With your suggestion many would have over 100% completion for doing them while available, which is not accurate. And if you didn't earn them, you don't deserve to get credit for them either with an auto unlock...nor the rewards attached. And I say this as someone who does not have any of the Arena achievements myself, it is not a big deal. Finally, there was no fair way to repurpose these to represent the effort required to unlock them, so were wisely discontinued.

  • But still what if I wanted to platinum SoT or at least the achievements. I have looked at some of those achievements and wondered why they are still there or were they just forgotten about. Arena doesn't exist anymore and is never coming back so I don't see the point in keeping around achievements that a large portion of the player base physically cannot get.

  • I think if they could remove them, they would have. They are gone on Steam.

  • @dlchief58

    I dont think the players that 100% care about representation. I think the only ones that do are those who have a form of representation to be blunt.

    I think we are talking completionists that like to complete a game 100% and move to the next game and do the same. I have a friend like this who plays until there is nothing left in the game to achieve, and usualy jumps to a new one after that. Then he might come back to complete updates.

  • They CAN remove them by making them hidden for peoples Who didnt unlock them.

  • Find some newer Streamers to get on your side.

  • @wujuwarrior1375 you are only fooling yourself - if you did not do all the achievements, including discontinued/legacy achievements, then you did NOT complete them and thus are undeserving of "100 % completion" ....because you in fact have not completed them and are not a "completionist" and have no right to call yourself that either. I'd rather have an accurate view of achievement completion than Xbox changing it to pander to your ego by giving you a false sense of achievement.

  • @dlchief58 technically, if they did all the content available in the game, they DID 100% all of the game's content. Content that doesn't exist shouldn't be factored into a 100% completion statistic.

  • @voltshatter But they DID exist at one time, thus should be (and are) counted...especially since many others were able to do so. Come late to the party and you miss out. Accuracy over placating someone's feelings that they deserve something they did not earn.

    Why do you feel you deserve a "completion" when you have not completed the requirements to do so? Sounds a bit like a case of entitlement to me.

  • @voltshatter said in Remove or Update Legacy Achievements:

    @dlchief58 technically, if they did all the content available in the game, they DID 100% all of the game's content. Content that doesn't exist shouldn't be factored into a 100% completion statistic.

    Normally I'd agree with you, but from a live-service standpoint, no.

    Arena isn't removed content from a singleplayer game. It was a mode that was shut down, not scrapped.

    People still have their arena rewards in the game, arena was a canonical thing that happened during SOT history. If you were not there to do it, you in fact didn't 100% the game.

    I'm saying this as someone who got around about 85% of the arena achievements. Admittedly, it is frustrating from a completion standpoint but again, in a live-service setting with an ever-changing world, it makes sense.

  • @thorumsu said in Remove or Update Legacy Achievements:

    @voltshatter said in Remove or Update Legacy Achievements:

    @dlchief58 technically, if they did all the content available in the game, they DID 100% all of the game's content. Content that doesn't exist shouldn't be factored into a 100% completion statistic.

    Normally I'd agree with you, but from a live-service standpoint, no.

    Arena isn't removed content from a singleplayer game. It was a mode that was shut down, not scrapped.

    People still have their arena rewards in the game, arena was a canonical thing that happened during SOT history. If you were not there to do it, you in fact didn't 100% the game.

    I'm saying this as someone who got around about 85% of the arena achievements. Admittedly, it is frustrating from a completion standpoint but again, in a live-service setting with an ever-changing world, it makes sense.


    As a supporting example, World of Tanks added their War Stories mode via an update much like Arena was in Year 2 of Sea of Thieves. It was also removed from the game after time making the related achievements unobtainable. They were never repurposed (as there was no equivalent or fair way to earn them...also like the Arena achievements) so were unobtainable and thus making a true completion impossible if you missed out on this event.

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  • And for clarity, if there was a fair way to repurpose achievements that respected the requirements of those who already earned them I would have no issue with that. Or if the game launched with broken achievements that were never fixed nor earned by anyone, it would be fair to remove those for a 100% completion in a game. Arena fails to meet any of those requirements.

  • @llama-rider64 naw, no need to hand out participation trophies.

    You missed out... get over it

  • Hot Take that's probably going to get me harassed, knowing the SoT community: Rare shouldn't remove content from the game at all. I spent the same $$$ on the game as everyone else. I do, in fact, deserve the same experience. Not "getting things I don't deserve"- I, and everyone else, should have the chance to earn these things.

    Rare should have rehashed Arena content into something new if it wasn't cost efficient for them to run it. They didn't. That's stupid and I'm tired of pretending it's not. None of you are special for getting here early, you just had $60 and heard of the game first. I'm not for "participation trophies," I'm for not having legacy content completely removed. Tie old Arena achievements into Hourglass, or make an Hourglass variant mode to simulate old Arena gameplay and tie it into that.

    "Fear Of Missing Out" is a tactic designed to manipulate consumers, and the "Well, you missed out, stop complaining, sucks to suck, you sound entitled and don't DESERVE it" crowd ate it hook, line, and sinker and thinks it makes the game healthier when it tends to just annoy new-comers who quickly realize how many things they'll never see, experience, or have a chance to earn.

  • @voltshatter preach 🙏

  • They are also protecting the 2% that got the achievements vs the 98% that don't...... Try catering to the majority not the 2%.. Bad move by Rare

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