some bow and cross bow ideas

  • I'm a big sucker for bows in games and with the new season based around stealth I think a bow weapon would fit great into the game, having a weapon that fits into the stealth role but can also be decent in regular combat would be great to ad into the game. i think it shouldn't have the the utility of the blow dart but should be more focused on damaging enemies from the shadows also having the charge mechanic that the blow dart has I think would fit very well (the longer you hold the button down the more damage and range the arrow has) i don't know how much damage the bow should do maybe 50 at full charge? depending on how long it takes to load an arrow and get to a full draw, if not a bow then maybe a cross bow which you can go the fast loading small cross bow that doesn't do much damage (maybe like 15-20 damage if it takes 0.5 seconds to load each shot) or have the big cross bow that takes a lot longer to load each shot and would do damage close the the sniper (was thinking maybe 65-70 with a load time of 2.5-3 seconds). I would love to see something like this come into the game sooner or later.

  • 2
  • Good idea.
    There's a fan of this around here somewhere...

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