When I first heard that the storage crates could be sold I didn't think much of it, a lot like the change to sell tridents, just a lil bonus gold. But I hate how you can sell a storage crates If sold with items inside it gives no credit to the items that were worth something if taken out. I've been in the fishing grind in sot for the past month and a half on and off, and this new change has stolen countless fish and recourses. It always happens when selling the fish out of a storage crate. You bring it to the sovereigns, start taking fish out and selling them. Then if your ever too slightly close to the crate it picks it up and sells it. I also despise how you can buy a storage crate and if you accidentally press pick up twice you can sell it right back to the merchant.
A second problem is, before players would be incentivized to take their recourses, put them in crates and give them other players by leaving them at the dock. But with this change players may become more greedy and sell them just to get every last drop of gold.
I think this change needs to be thoroughly looked at and reevaluated, please help the hunters call community Rare.