Every once in a while I revisit this thought, and every time I do, I feel like I have to post it.
Trading companies should actually trade with one another, and there should be an in game acknowledgment of a trade. How would this work? Really simple!
- Crew A simply offers an item by extending their arm using right mouse button like they usually do!
- If Crew B, who has their hands empty, accepts the item—that's a gift!
- If Crew B, who has their hands full, accepts the item, then they exchange items instead—that's a trade!
- If Crew B takes an item from Player A without it being a trade or a gift—it's stolen!
I propose that the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, and Merchant Alliance have exclusive loot that are only valuable to each company respectively:
The exclusive chest that is worth 50k gold to the Gold Hoarders only if flying a Grade V Emissary of Gold Hoarders.
The exclusive skull is worth 50k gold to the Order of souls only if flying a Grade V Emissary of Order of Souls.
The exclusive crate is worth 50k gold to the Merchant Alliance only if flying a Grade V Emissary of Merchant Alliance.
Plot twist! These items can only be found by the other trading companies on their voyages! E.g the exclusive chest can only be found by the Merchant Alliance and the Order of Souls.
Commendations and Cosmetics awarded for selling these items after obtaining them in different ways. Trades, Stolen or Gifted!!