This is not about the main SOT client (Read Full Post)
Hey Everyone, Gold Curse player here. So I don't wanna hear "You Don't Know Anything". If you disagree thats cool, lets talk about it.
This Post is about thinking outside the box. you can change anything really if you want to. DARE TO DREAM RARE. so .... lets dream a little.
I LOVE SOT PVP. I'm not a pve player anymore, could care less about sinking pve'rs its not fun to pick on little fish.
First up. I've been playing another pirate game, it dosn't have better ship mechanics, but the pvp is sweet, its a SOT clone, but not really. BUT I forgot what constant fun felt like, no needing to seek fun, just having fun because the game promotes it.
The reason I'm starting with this is I've realized rare has made the best sandbox pirate game, but i think they lost the plot. (TRUST ME THIS POST WILL GET FUN, ..Just let me complain a little.)
As i sit here and talk to fellow hour glass players. We watched the sot podcast.
Yea the mentality is push out the next feature.
Not we have a great game. Lets take a step back and maybe improve features already in the game. Fleshout or change features or mechanics. Or add total quality of life changes.
It's OK to push to the next thing. But it's also OK to have the entire team on game health issues.
For SURE there are casual players that need to be given content. And YES its good to do. But Sot has the base for the best pvp game Ive ever played, But ITS TEDIOUS.... NO REALLY WHY IS IT TEDIOUS? W.T.Fudge...?
THE ENDGAME IS ONLY PVP. It is hard to learn, even harder to master, and sometimes even harder to get a game (30 min ques are Constant) The hackers suck. lets be real, everyone in pvp uses packs, highly unfair to the people like me who don't. The hittreg and random lag spikes are hard to deal with. BUCKET REG is a thing as a bilge its highly frustrating.
Heres you'r reward for sinking to a better crew, (spend 15 mins resupplying to boat), so you can wait in que, and sink to the cracked crew, and all you could put together was not a premade crew. NO Wonder its hard to pvp, it dosn't promote trying again, instantly at all.
Lets get on to how it could be fixed. And Lets have a good conversation on a dream I have.
Lets be real, sot is a great game, but you have reached the engines limits long ago, PVP is great when it works! lag, hitreg, not knowing exactly how much dammage was done (Dammage counter upon hit would be great), and lastly ghost shots. Now I understand that a great undertaking is underway and its slowly getting better.
But what if we just started over.
I suggest you build an alternative client its all the bones of sot, but 0 pve but also erase hour glass from sot pve client. IF said client was built this is what i would like to see. (EVERYTHING IS A SUGGESTION) (Edit: I was given feedback that the main game should stay as is, Completely agree with that statement.)
After you hit launch you are put on an island, throw down a dagger on a table and get qued for that gamemode. (And also be able to que for thr role you would like to play. Flex, Bilge, Helm, Main Cannon) maybe a system of favorite to least favorite.
as soon as you walk out the tavern pvp is on, you can practice your tdm. (Around a big island with several taverns and no boats)
Tournament Gamemode:(same as below but first two to sink are eliminated 6 boats 3 matches( Map has less islands each match)
Battle Royal Gamemode:
NEW Map:
Build a bunch of modular islands that can be all jumbled up like 10
they spawn randomly with loot. (Random Chest maps, like siren song mechanics, they give loot plus random ship upgrades and weapons...See below what I'm talking about.)
Major Changes to Mechanics: For Battle Royal, Tournament
Loot Changes
All loot comes in loots packs with different types. (Examples 50 cannons in a pack, 40 wood in a different pack and 15 food in another pack...Ect...)
Loot can only be used after deposited on the ship. have and inventory of 5 for different packs
Player Inventory changes
Be Able to hold 25 cannon balls, 10 food and 20 planks: (but these items are dropped on death.)
Hole tier mechanical changes
(Tier 5 holes) No more knock back. hole tier reduced by one tier per plank (Tier 5 required 5 planks) at a rate of 5 secs per plank = 25 sec to repair the hole) It will take 5 shots as the same hole to make a tier 5 (Lower deck gets bilge pump that requires plays 3 sec to active) lasting 20 secs. and gives a bucket every 10 sec.
New Respawn Mechanic
The ferry is cool for pve. frustrating for pvp. 2 load screen to get back to the boat sucks. and the respawn is way to long. its ok to have a shorter respawn to be less punished for dying. (keep reading I have a Reason for this)
When the player is killed. zoom out above the boats in the air so you can watch the fight and be prepared to get back in. 10-15 seconds is all you should wait. First death 5 seconds, seccond 10 secconds third death 15 secconds max Resetting after 2 minutes of no deaths.
NEW Guns:
players should only spawn on a boat with nothing but 1 throwing knife. everything should be looted from islands
Guns do not drop on death but ammo dose
Add tiers of guns, ITS OK TO BE OP if everyone has the chance to be at one point.
quad pistols, duel pistols. its totally fine if you have a double barrel blunder or quad barrel. or a chain flintlock rifle 4 barrels. A LITTERAL (HAND Cannon) Get it? lets go full in. just make it fun. Even A chain-gun would be ok 10 damage a shot but it jams (reloads) on 11
harpoon gun EQUIPMENT that works and is fun to use and everyone has it on a 10 second cooldown.
@mrpotato5722 said in New gun idea:
I think if Sea of Thieves added a musket it would greatly improve the game. The musket would be like a sniper but deal 55-65 damage and have the iron sights of a pistol. I think this would help new players PvP better, because they don’t have to zoom in with a sniper but can still do a lot of damage to enemies.
New Boats:
Skys the limit go crazy, modular boats would be cool too.
New Cannons
maybe add extra cannons by getting looted upgrades? morders? chain-guns? double or triple barrel revolver cannons that shoot smaller balls like 1 scatter shot ball. but they actually fly straight do less damage but faster reload time?
New Anchor Mechanics:
When anchor is dropped, the boat should still be able to spin. This helps in the sweaty fights that when you catch a breath you can at least fire back to change the tide of battle
LETS GO FOR FUN. Its ok to sink if its NOT punishing you. AND YOU CAN go again try again quickly with no real loss
**TDM Gamemode: ( New Guns in both modes) No explanations needed
CTF Gamemode: 1-3 ships each team. You spawn on two island forts across from each other, fully stocked ready to fight. 1 flag at the center of each island, locked behind a door that you need to keg to break. Keg stays on door just has a fuse of 15 secconds and can be reset. Door can be repaired.
To END with This is just my first post. (Tell me your ideas) Ill keep adding and posting.
Seriously, don't tell me they will never do it. I don't care. That's not what this is about. tell me exactly what you would want if sot was your dream game
Thanks everyone,