Players drop gold when killed

  • As the player collects gold off the ground it collects in a pouch on the player. The longer you go without dying the more gold you have. When you die you drop the pouch for other players to collect. You could also allow the players to give their pouches to other players to barter for their lives or ship. Thought this could bring a new element to the game!

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  • Thought this could bring a new element to the game!

    Yeah another reason to be killed. Would also bring more players who will say "Why are pirates attacking me when I have nothing!"

  • @burnbacon you must be so tired of being such a hater

  • In general one of the main goals in SoT combat is to not incentivize unnecessary camping.

    They could have something like this if it was more of a one time per person kind of thing or a long cool down.

    In Hg specifically it would help the content a lot if they added it for specific things like one-balls. That's not a camping situation and incentivizes combat.

  • Think you've played too much GTA lol

  • @itzeggward

    Having an opinion that disagrees with your idea isn’t hate. It’s just a difference of opinion. Calling someone who disagrees with you a hater…is in the realm of pot calling the kettle black.

  • Can't say I like the idea.
    It's not really needed, does not add anything new (It's the same as stealing treasure, only it's gold that the player has found), and would frustrate a large portion of players.

  • if I don't pick up random gold piles/pouches you get nothing?

    Otherwise it's spawncamp heaven.

    And I could just firebomb myself on the beach.

    How does one finish collecting the gold? I kill you, you kill me, more and more gold that never gets added?

    @BurnBacon is the best at what he does...

  • @renee-le-mom find me one post where he is being positive, idc about the post its just comical how he only is on here to tear ideas down.

  • @itzeggward said in Players drop gold when killed:

    @renee-le-mom find me one post where he is being positive, idc about the post its just comical how he only is on here to tear ideas down.

    Bad idea is bad, regardless of who shoots it down. At least he is criticizing the idea and not the person, unlike SOME people around here.

  • @burnbacon dude you're like the most negative person ever, more negative than my brother and he's a miserable grumpy sod dreading seeing him at Christmas! Seriously tho you're just so negative when people post a suggestion, up you pop to shoot them down.....take a day off or something.

    @nicodemis6872 said in Players drop gold when killed:

    As the player collects gold off the ground it collects in a pouch on the player. The longer you go without dying the more gold you have. When you die you drop the pouch for other players to collect. You could also allow the players to give their pouches to other players to barter for their lives or ship. Thought this could bring a new element to the game!

    Not a bad idea, the bartering for your life aspect I really like. Players can surrender and hand over some gold, anything that increased to social aspect of this game tbh.

  • @superlonghurst said in Players drop gold when killed:

    @burnbacon dude you're like the most negative person ever, more negative than my brother and he's a miserable grumpy sod dreading seeing him at Christmas! Seriously tho you're just so negative when people post a suggestion, up you pop to shoot them down.....take a day off or something.

    @nicodemis6872 said in Players drop gold when killed:

    As the player collects gold off the ground it collects in a pouch on the player. The longer you go without dying the more gold you have. When you die you drop the pouch for other players to collect. You could also allow the players to give their pouches to other players to barter for their lives or ship. Thought this could bring a new element to the game!

    Not a bad idea, the bartering for your life aspect I really like. Players can surrender and hand over some gold, anything that increased to social aspect of this game tbh.

    It is a VERY bad idea and would contribute to exploiting ("gifting") and further justification of griefing players. At least @BurnBacon was making factual comments on the idea instead of attacking the person, like others in this tread are doing when they don't like the comment. Not all ideas are good, and this one is one of the worst that adds nothing significant to the game.

    You are very naive to think that some gold would deter someone from taking their character's life, especially when they would get it all by killing them & not have to barter for it.

  • Players dropping an ammo pouch with whatever they had left when they die while using a gun could work, but dropping gold? No way. TDM players would abuse this by spawn camping nonstop, and it could also be exploited for gold selling by transferring gold between accounts.

  • Stick with the topic please.

  • Should be able to collect players heads/skulls when you kill them and hand them in as a bounty at a special outpost building somewhere.

    When you go in the building it's like a trophy room with all your kills, if you have killed someone multiple times it shows a death count under the skull.

  • @nicodemis6872 said in Players drop gold when killed:

    As the player collects gold off the ground it collects in a pouch on the player. The longer you go without dying the more gold you have. When you die you drop the pouch for other players to collect. You could also allow the players to give their pouches to other players to barter for their lives or ship. Thought this could bring a new element to the game!

    I feel this game is already more death match and less treasure hunting and exploring. Some players even bemoan a long naval battle in a game named Sea of Thieves and pine for more direct FPSish style play. This is how feel about it: Players hunt treasure and risk being hunted for it not, Players are the Treasure and are hunted for it.

  • Putting aside the risk of abuse/farming... This is something I always come back to, to try and remind folk: in a game where there is no skilled-based matchmaking, PvP needs to be designed around balance and fairness for players of all levels and experience.

    Rare originally had the idea of a "death tax" for the game, but it was dropped early in development because it wasn't a good idea and very unfair. Players who die all the time would be broke, therefore the less-skilled would suffer more loss.

    We already have features that emulate this and are opt-in, such as Emissaries (drop flags) and Hourglass (gives rep). They are also ship/crew-based, which is a fairer overall system as it doesn't punish the individual for their mistakes. Gains are shared, therefore so is failure.

    TL;DR - it's a nay from me.

  • @realstyli Glad there is a take it or leave it at times program to this game. Shared risk and reward is what I think has made so this game has lasted this long.

  • Let try to put in some "constructive" stuff ok.
    (rather point out than drag it out)

    As the player collects gold off the ground it collects in a pouch on the player.

    As someone pointed before. If you dont collect nothing, when you "die" you drop nothing. Since that seems to be the main focus on how this will function.
    So when/if a player wants to get free gold from players, and they havnt. They just wasted time or killed for...."No Reason"

    The longer you go without dying the more gold you have.

    By this the OP seems to suggest that either, The longer you are on the sea and no been killed by I assume anything, the gold in your pouch increases, along with the ones you pick up.

    Cant understand this. Since they didnt fully detail what it means. Does the gold increase by the player collecting gold from the pouches on the ground? or does it increase simply by being on the server and not dying long period.

    When you die you drop the pouch for other players to collect.

    We now have the end result and the most troublesome.
    Player is killed by other player. Not by npc. And they will lose any/all gold that would of gone into there own collection of gold.
    Small as it might of been, going off by what they said. Collecting pouches: and with so many things dropping them, that can stack pretty high. Up in the Thousands or lucky, Millions.

    But that player loses all that gold, if a player kills them. Could be there only source of gold and some reason, they die from a player and BAM! Zero.

    Ignoring the next point "giving gold" since that only would work in a role play situation (nobody does anymore)

    Thought this could bring a new element to the game!

    Sure. But it bring in more complaints about, "Why am I being targeted" and the disappointment of killing a player, and they drop nothing.
    Its like grinding for that legendary item from killing a Boss monster, with a % chance of getting it. Nobody likes this.

    I hate these long drawn out posts to explain how bad this be (because nobody reads them, fact)
    Negative as I am, straight up a silly idea. It brings a somewhat RP element but it also bring out the complainers and xD haters

  • @nicodemis6872 This could be a great mode for partner private server events, or even standard private servers if they’re ever added for non-partners. It would be fun for competitions—like seeing who can collect the most gold from kills in a limited time—without allowing players to keep the gold permanently. Outside of that, though, it wouldn’t quite fit the game.

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