Christmas sails partners

  • @callmebackdraft

    I don’t think you will ever understand.

    It’s the holidays. The house is Sea of Thieves. Everyone is invited to come. But only some will be rewarded for coming.

    That is a recipe for discontent. That is dumb. That is unfair. That is not fitting with the season of giving.

    Those gifts they chose to let streamers randomly give out how they please could have been rewards for all for completing daily goals just as an example.

    Rare is just insane. They sure know how to formulate a plan that will result in a minority of happy people and a majority of unhappy people.

    They limited the number of gifts per participant and they left it completely open to each individual how they were going to hand out their gifts.

    I would have preferred the event never happened rather than individuals getting to pick and choose who gets something and who doesn’t.

    Rare needs new leadership.

  • @eastthread51441 i never ever saw enybody get so ape[mod edit] about cosmetic giveaway.

    Chill there gopnik.

  • @ghutar

    That’s a nice excuse for a poorly designed event that benefits the few and makes the rest especially those who crossed paths with a ship with the gift sails but didn’t get a gift feel disappointed.

    I don’t think the goal should ever be let’s disappoint our players but with Rare that’s literally baked in.

    Events of the past used to offer cosmetic rewards that could be earned. In all of December players can (soon to be could) earn one tattoo that didn’t even show up in my vanity chest after I unlocked it. The Holiday Hauls event currently ongoing is a chance of receiving a gift so clearly not everyone will get something. And the Festival of Giving event which starts on the 18 involves time-limited voyages and boosts to gold and rep, no cosmetics to earn.

    And it just doesn’t sit right with me that people involved in the Holiday Hauls event get to choose who gets gifts and who doesn’t. I’m not sorry if how I feel bothers you.

    Imagine if the during the Orb twitch drops event only certain viewers could earn the drops. That’s basically what Holiday Hauls is and it’s wrong and a poorly designed event.

    During the Holidays the local fire department drives their trucks around with someone dressed as Santa and tosses out candy to children outside their house. Imagine if they selectively tossed out candy to certain kids but not all. That’s literally what Rare is enabling. Just wrong man, it’s that simple.

    The event could have been great if Rare didn’t limit participants to X number of gifts even though the event runs for 16 days. And told participants to offer any pirate who is aware of the event and asks for a gift the option to select a gift. Literally could have been a superb community building positivity event. Instead Rare did what Rare does best.

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  • @eastthread51441 and you will never understand that every… single… post… you make about this showcases you feel some sort of entitlement to receive free stuff.

    Sot is not a house its a worldwide collection of random people just like a mall is (a mall is just not worldwide) the people you meet are not your family as are they not your friends for the most part just people with somewhat similar interests.

    Hence why i made the comparisons before of walking into a random people’s house expecting gifts or expecting gifts from the mall santa.

    You see the sot world as a house and hence you feel entitled that if you meet the partner/santa you are entitled to a gift. But your view is skewed and are strawmanning the argument to make it fit a narrative in which everyone should get a gift

  • Imagine being a more PvP oriented SoT streaming partner and having to approach other crews friendly. While you may be happy to get a gift from them, there are others who would take advantage of the situation and try to sink them.
    I doubt many of them would do the gift giving at all.

    Plus those players that are not aware of these sails and would attack as well.

  • I just want to be able to buy the sails after the event is over

  • @callmebackdraft

    It's not a good event IMO. I don't see the spirit of giving when it's worded in a way that if you see these sails it's your lucky day. Far from the case as these sails will still likely try to steal your booty and offer you nothing. I understand there is limited items to give for each partner so most of the time you will be sunk and offered nothing.

    Playing for FOMO on the holidays to end up getting sunk even if you're 'lucky' enough to see them and end up with no gifts seems like a pretty terrible experience

  • Not everyone who's giving out gifts are the same. When we've come across pirates, we start with offering the 'Pineapple of Peace', then we've been playing a game of 'Higher of Lower' using the card emote. Get 3 right on the trot and you get to choose from the cosmetics on offer and if you get one wrong you eat some uncooked food, throw up and try again. :D At the end of the day for me and my crew it's about spreading a bit of joy and happiness on the seas and having a laugh.

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