Now that since many years the game is purposefully disencouraging solo players (that is one of the reasons I don't play so often anymore), it really needs an ingame lobby.Something like the Arena used to have. Where you can choose to enter, look the people, their character faces, nicknames, titles, behaviours, and decide whether or not join a crew.
Discord, LFG and any other pre-game meet-up-system is disencouraging more people than ever wether because the overwhelming amount of text you have to read in order to get into a crew, or because some places are moded mostly by angry kids with bad-parent-scars. Whichever the case, it is an external system that doesn't work as the game needs. The game needs something inside the game.
Is well known that SOT is a good game to play with friends, but what if you don't have friends or you can never sync to play together? You need new ones constantly and that also becomes frustrating and end up by abandoning the game. The capacity of making new friends is overrated in this society.
The game needs a place for social interactions without the preassure of believing that another character can randomly kill us. A central-lobby that send players to different (round robin?) servers (kubernetes pods?) so no body can exploit servers with aliances.
Probably it will not be just "one lobby" but many. Depending on the region, the infrastructure capacity and many other aspects. But the idea is to keep them full all the time. Once a group of people sails, the next conections gets inside that one.
I'd rather use Port Merrick as scenario for it.