Before season 11, all quests used to be buyable. Now, I understand why you would want to make everything more accessible, however there are some quests that have been removed and mess with people's ability to complete commendations, making them much more tedious than they used to be. I assume these gunpowder runs have been removed so people wouldn't be able to get free infinite nukes (although nobody even did that before), so I have a fix for it:
Using the limited voyage feature, make it so you can buy those quests, make it so one limited voyage is added to your inventory just like it's been done with gilded voyages and twitch drops. This could be applied to more valuable quests and even mercenary voyages in the future, the possibilities are endless.
Also, once you own everything in the game and are maxed out in all trading companies, you have nothing to use your doubloons on anymore. Two gulls with one lead.
A balanced way to bring back gunpowder runs
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