Hourglass matchmaking and rewards

  • Now i know everyone likely has to deal with the same experience but runners feel horrible to face - To be honest i know its not something you can just stop, but if you can't do anything to stop people from running around and around in HG matches at least make HG reputation/allegiance rewards scale with battle length. That way you're not spending 1h for the same reward or loss as a 10-15m battle...

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  • I agree, I cant tell you how many times I get opponents camping the border or running away during a match. I think they should have the out of bounds shroud close similar to that of Battle Royales after a certain amount of time elapses. Also maybe show the combat area borders on the Horizon as well because its frustrating realizing you're sailing out of bounds all of the sudden because you're trying to tend to the ship so much and cannot keep track of where you can fight.

  • runners feel horrible to face

    Which is worse. Cheaters or Sweats? Because runners are not even on my own list of players I dislike in Hourglass.

    make HG reputation/allegiance rewards scale with battle length.

    Explain. If two pirates decide to sit and talk for an hour...just to scale up the rewards. Rock paper scissors and loser sinks. You be giving a max amount of rep for nothing. :P

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