
  • We should be able to take prisoners and put them in the brig

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  • @chloemay6937 This was a feature that was prototyped in the early days...

    I can see how this might be abused though, so there would have to be a lot of safeguards to prevent griefing and the like.

  • Everytime this comes up it generally gets sunk.

    Everyone wants to take a prisoner, right up until it happens to them.

  • @chloemay6937 said in Prisoners:

    We should be able to take prisoners and put them in the brig

    Translation: "we should be able to prevent other people from playing the game"

    Heck no! Nobody would like to not be able to play because somebody 'took them prisoner'. And lets be honest: without skill based servers, it will almost always be the same players who suffer. On top of that: this would also only embolden cheaters, since they now not only can sink legit players, but also prevent them from even playing by locking them up...

  • Nah. Removing an other player's ability to play the game is a horrible idea.

    Plus, if said locking up is longer than the Ferry of The Damned, then people would use it for easy sinks on smaller player groups.
    Imagine being a solo slooper, then getting locked up by a 4-man squad, only to have then dance around the Brig while one of them sets your ship on fire.
    Bonus points if they are screaming into their microphones as loudly as possible to discomfit headphone users.

    Too easy to abuse and adds nothing of value.

  • @musicmee yea like one at a time and a cool down maybe

  • Would have to have universal consent which makes it more just RP than any sort of organic gameplay for the most part.

    The main issue that I have with it for SoT is that at best it's something that is going to create a lot of awkward and cringe stuff and at worst it'll be a lot of inappropriate conduct that doesn't belong in a game that clearly has a bunch of kids around adults.

    I don't think it's compatible and I can pretty much guarantee that it will create way more trouble than anything else. Lots of risk and very little upside.

  • The only way this could really work is as a substitute for the Ferry in a very limited circumstance - that being killing any enemy pirate on your own Ship (assuming your Ship even has a Brig, since Sloops do not).

    This would make it nothing more than the respawn system with added risk (you don't have access to the Armory in the Brig, for instance). And it would be voluntary, as it only will happen if you choose to board another Ship and then get killed there.

    That is the absolute best case scenario for it, and could be even seen as a balancing factor in the risk/reward for boarding (albeit VERY limited in this respect as you're basically only deprived taking a Flame of Fate or accessing the Armory, while being potentially susceptible to trash talk from the opposing Crew - obviously anything report worth would still apply here).

    So that's it, that is the only way for us to potentially use the Brig for a Prisoner gimmick. I personally wouldn't be entirely opposed to it in this form, but I also wouldn't be upset if it was never developed either.

  • Cap falcore made a sugestion abiut this except it was an npc voyage. This should never be done with players.

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