(PS5 or xbox)
You may argue with me that the game has excellent optimization on the console, ensuring a 60FPS runtime. Checking FPS is unnecessary.
But why not allow host users to view PING values?
When playing on the console, it is impossible to view FPS and PING. There is no such item in the host version settings.
If it weren't for a recent friend who told me that he could open FPS and PING in the settings on his PC, I would never have known about it.
Assuming that the player does not have broadband around them and needs to use their mobile phone network to provide network services for the host, or they have an unstable network environment. I can't even check my PING while playing on the console.
(For those in the community who want to refute the poor internet, please remember that there are players in any country. Perhaps your country's internet is stable, but it cannot represent other countries. While you sleep peacefully at home, there may be wars happening in other parts of the world.)
Who can tell me why I can't check PING and FPS on the host?
what is host version? im pretty sure even when they had "private servers" that they were hosted on the normal servers just using different rule sets. so if ur talking safer seas its still running on sot servers just with restrictions. if you were truely hosting there wouldnt still be a way too short afk timer that would kikc you out everytime you had to use the rest room.
my guess is the option doesnt exist because it doesnt matter? you dont host, your friend doesnt host, its all microsoft azure hosting everything. and since consoles are a fixed set of hardware fps counter shouldnt matter either cause it will all be the same? unless your trying to see what yours is so you can be like "ok maybe i should get a pc" its kinda of like why cant i see my FPS on breath of the wild on switch? because it would make be both laugh and cry at how awful nintendo hardware is despite having some of the best exclusive titles in the industry?
What I mean is: On XBOX consoles, it is not allowed to turn on FPS and PING in the settings. (After opening the settings option on the PC version, it can be displayed in the upper left corner of the game screen.)
FPS may not be important on the host.
But ping? Why are players not allowed to view the latency between themselves and the server on the host?
Some people may play games in poor online environments due to certain reasons,
For example, am I playing on some cross-border trains or planes?
Or is my local network operator unable to provide stable Internet services?
I need to know the delay between myself and the server, but because I cannot see my PING with the server.