The game's progression system is built around cosmetics but not all cosmetics look good on all pirates and since there's no way to change your entire pirate without permanently losing the current one you have a pirate appearance potion isn't exactly a solution.
some of us are attached to the pirates we have already and in a game that's basically about cosmetics it seems really odd that there's no way to just swap between pirates at will AND Rare could even make money from this buy charging like 599 - 999 Ancient Coins for a new pirate slot. This would allow people to swap between pirates and allow them to have as many pirates as they chose by just buying another pirate slot. This also bypasses the problem of people creating alt accounts just so they can have a separate pirate without losing their current one and the problem that creating a new account doesn't magically move all of the non-obtainable cosmetics or very grindy cosmetics you may already own to the new account.
I can only speak for the 12 people I've spoken to about this plus myself but this is a feature that would be really lovely to have.