Since new quests and tresures were added to game its very dificult to obtain old 4 chests and 4 bounty skulls wich are needed to comendations. Basicly time needed to do comendations about getting 4 old types of chest and 4 types of bounty skulls are irratonal and disproportionate to the time needed before adding new chests. Also merchant allaiance in terms of comednations is even more broken comparing to the old system. There is no more quests with gunpowder barrels at the table and only way to obtain them is by quest in bootle and if you will find one there is still few % to get gunpowder delivery quest be wich added up gives too low chances to do some of the comendations in less than 6 months. In my opinion these comendations shouldnt be easier than before bor harder it just should be adjuster beacause for me its considered as developer error/problem in ballance.
If somone from rare will reference to this I will be gratefull beacause it is major problem for players who want to obtain all comendations