Final stretch.

  • Once again, not sure if this is the place to post… Well, what the heck, no better place to post it.
    I remember, a while back, not THAT long ago, a little under two years… My friend told me about this game, Sea of Thieves. I had heard of it before- Seen a bit of gameplay of it. But I had never really looked into it.
    Then, he told me about how this new season, season 8, had added a way to turn yourself into a skeleton or ghost. With that, I was sold. I purchased the game, and was enthralled. For my first bit of playtime on SOT, I tried an HG match or two, but…
    I quickly gave up on the notion of the skeleton curse. I had a blast, playing the game, but I mostly forgot about hourglass. A bit later, my friends had quit, and I took a break from the game when season 10 released and wasn’t particularly amazing.
    A bit later, I picked it up again, and introduced it to a friend. And wow… This game got us through the entire dang year. I had some of the greatest times, duo sailing with my friend. Soon, we both decided to go for the skeleton curse.
    …Leading to the HG mode to cause me to quit the game near Summer. I had completely given up, not just on the mode this time but on the game
    A bit later, I start playing again…
    Fluctuating between despair and hope that I can get the curse.
    Well, now, here I am, sitting around level 86. Its near- The thing i’ve been wanting since I was a swabbie, learning the ropes from the friend who got me into this game.
    I still think HG is a broken, terrible, cesspool of a gamemode.
    But I can’t give up now,
    I see glory on the horizon, through ash and sparks and losses and wins… Im so close. On the final stretch.

  • 5
  • I remember your threads that popped up once in a while along your journey.

    I told you that you'd get there.

    Never had any doubt that you could so I'm not surprised, but congratulations on what you have dedicated to and are succeeding at.

  • @wolfmanbush Yeah haha im not sure if my skill has improved, but my luck certainly has! Its been a heck of a ride, I went through a hurricane couple months ago but im still grinding for the silly cosmetic… Its so close and I’m just… really happy. I’m gonna look back on all the posts I’ve made, look back on my journey that got me here… Happiest I’ve been in a while

  • @gameglarb

    Woop woop goals!!!!!

    Also don't hate the loss farmers. 😆

  • That’s amazing. Wish I was that close. Still got about 31 1/2 more levels to go. Good for you! Hope you get it soon!

4 out of 5