Runners, boarders, etc.

  • I was wondering if anybody had any tips on how to take care of runners, boarders, and boarding other ships. Runners especially. Been trying to grind Hourglass for a while now but I’m always getting runners and sweats.

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  • People's stamps/regions are gonna be pretty different.

    In some places it makes more sense to solo and some to brig and some to galleon.

    Duo in general is probably the most widespread sweaty but only solo really has the running situation.

    Getting a crew of chill people and just rolling the dice over and over with brig/galleon would probably be the best way to do it without feeling completely burnt out.

    I'd never really recommend solo for content like HG. It's too high burnout, the metas are so unfun and there is so little you can really do about it.

    I wouldn't look to play with super skilled players I would just look to play with people that are chill. Hg is not worth the burnout, gotta try to make it somewhat fun.

  • I don’t plan on grinding it too far after skellie curse. I’ve tried duo sloop and my crew mate usually either rage quits or wants to do something else. Same with my friends. I try to do PvP with them, but we aren’t nearly the same skill level and we always sink to skeleton curses because of my elo. I’ve also tried brig and I have made a few levels off it, but I highly doubt I’ll find the same open crew again. I’m not even going to think about trying to do galleon hourglass.

  • Also tried dice roll with my friends. Unfortunately, not many like-minded pirates play hourglass. At least, not during my grind. Every time we asked, they always sunk us anyway. I’ve tried elo tanking as well, but it seems that after a few wins, I’m already fighting obsidian skeletons again. Just wish I could find a better way to do this that doesn’t eat up so much of my time.

  • @xdragonman15558 said in Runners, boarders, etc.:

    I don’t plan on grinding it too far after skellie curse. I’ve tried duo sloop and my crew mate usually either rage quits or wants to do something else. Same with my friends. I try to do PvP with them, but we aren’t nearly the same skill level and we always sink to skeleton curses because of my elo. I’ve also tried brig and I have made a few levels off it, but I highly doubt I’ll find the same open crew again. I’m not even going to think about trying to do galleon hourglass.

    all you can really do is go for some pressure and then the one ball.

    Really solid weapon fighters can get by with board heavy tactics but the majority of players are gonna need the pressure and the one ball to get the sink.

    That's tough in solo because the skill requirement to avoid/evade successfully is lower than the skill requirement to capitalize as a solo.

    The unfortunate reality about a solo vs solo fight like the ones described, is that you're really going for enough one balls and pressure to where they decide to quit on the ferry or they get bugged/delayed enough to where they sink and/or sail outta bounds or something.

    There is no perfect way to plan a fight because so much of it can be random and moment by moment.

    A strat that works sometimes against tdm/board heavy players is get a few shots on them and then let them board and chase you around and camp you and hope they sink before you do.

    The good news is that you are just going for the curse, so even if it's kinda miserable at least it's a realistic goal that you will eventually reach.

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