With the FINAL release of the Mimic Dart now out...Here some things to remember.
You can mimic the following:
- Players,
- Skeletons
- Skeleton Captains
- Skeleton Lords
You can not mimic the following:
- Phantoms,
- Ocean Crawlers
- Ashen Lords
Key Notes:
- Animation effect for the mimicking player
- 2min timer
- All emotes return to default
- Appearance matches the target fully. Outfit, curse, body type, etc...
- Name plate remains as your own (important)
- Name turns "Green"
- As your mimicking, you can interact with anything. Besides Clothing chests, or vanity chest (makes sense)
- While Mimicking, you can attack, be attacked
- As long a skeleton isn't hostel already, they wont attack you once you mimic one. (so mimic dart before hand)