Is this normal I have like 50 million Gold? And like Max all the others currency's?
I have like 50 million
@deanmay93 i have 55 million and 62.5 thousand doubloons.
I have purchased practically all cosmetics (a few cheap ones locked behind some commendations)
Yeah, gold inflation has gone crazy over the years and with them not really adding much to spend it on it will just keep growing infinitely
Game is a lot more fun when not focusing on grinding or farming currency.
I haven't grinded for gold since Captaincy was released and it's great. I turn in some stuff once in a while for new comms or just if I feel like turning a little loot in but other than that my gold has stayed about the same for a couple+ years at this point.
Especially now, with the kind of alliance server stuff going on and general and increasingly extreme cheese strats that show up every season, not even fun to compete organically anyway.
My goal was always a "piratical retirement plan" I grinded for enough gold to where gold or doubloons were never gonna be a thing anymore, I was just gonna do the adventure version of fishing and golfing and that's what I do now in the game, and it's been as good as I was hoping it would be. It's super chill and I can just see what happens.
The game has changed a lot and there is a lot of stuff I don't like and a lot of stuff I miss but not being caught up in the currency chase helps a lot for quality longevity in adventure.
As far as new rep goes I don't even pay attention to it anymore, and that has been awesome too. I couldn't even tell you what my levels are, other than I haven't hit 500 in anything yet. It's awesome.