Just wondering if anyone has found this before. I just got killed full hp with a single blunderbus shot. I thought this was impossible since the nerf? to make it do 9 damage per each 10 pellets?
Guy boarded my ship. Missed his eye of reach shot. I am still full hp so I dive with my sword. He blunderbuses me and I am dead.
No fire, no nothing else. I had full hp, nothing did damage to me, guy hadnt reloaded his eye of reach from the shot he missed, and I just dropped dead when he blundied me.
I am honestly considering recording every game I play from now on to get evidence for this kinda thing. Usually by the time one even suspects cheating its already too late to try to record.
Other sus things he did:
He was off his ship running around on fotd. I detonated a megakeg on his ship, was guarding ladders. He suddenly appears next to me. He had no reason or way to die in fotd, there was nothing and no one. We were on the low side and there was no way to jump directly in to the ship
Found 3 buried chests all over fotd real quick without maps (I got rid of them before he even attacked me). Yeah I know you can see the moved earth, but they were in 3 different places, 1 down and 2 up, all separate, and he found them quite quick. He missed 3 megakegs I just hid in some fairly obvious bushes. So I was wondering if some cheat might probably show you buried loot spots, but not things like kegs or loot standing out in the open.