Need help with Skelly or ghost curse!!!!

  • Can someone help me out/carry me to getting either ghost or skelly curse, guardians is 21 and servants is 31, I’ve been grinding for multiple years now and I just can’t seem to find someone that would be a loyal and great person to help me out. If anyone can help a fella out I would greatly appreciate it, I just think if I can find the right person that will help me throughout the weekend or week to get it I would be super happy, I can’t do this alone and some people can agree that this is so bad on the players.

    If you want to help message me and I’ll explain details, have a great day and have a great and wealthyful plunder!!!!!🙏

  • 6
    xbox onequestiongeneral
  • @dragonman780175

    Say less!

  • @xdragonman15558
    Nice, just sent you a friend request.

  • Anyone willing to help me out tomorrow around 1 central time

  • @premiem also I'm on xbox and rank 15 with the athenas

  • Is anyone still helping people get the Skeleton curse as I'd love to unlock it I currently havent started any pvp as I am solo I wont be able to play till sunday but if anyone is willing to help me be hugely appreciated. I will accept any help and friend requests.

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